to get jabbed or not get jabbed. That is the question


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Supporting Member 6
Well, it sure is evident these dweebs are just plain plum crazy about Covid and are whores for it! I wonder who their Pimp is? Probably Biden the Covid Potato & Pimp of 1600 PensylTuckey Ave. it seems he has made a business out of it, Covid R Us!!



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Every lame reason in that list , but never safe and effective. Do people really still believe this stuff?

Iowa 409 Guy

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Supporting Member 15

What a line of BULLCRAP. There have been 2 deaths of healthy 40# year old males here in the last few months. Plus all the unexplained health issues appearing all of a sudden. Do not remember those kind of things happening for years. Time will tell. I opted not to get the shot, had the covid, and have not regretted my decision.


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Well Known Member
My sister, who lives near Memphis, contacted COVID-19 early in the pandemic. Mild flu-like. No sweat. She gets both shots. She gets COVID-19 again one year later. No sweat, flu-like with mild reactions. Then she gets her three booster shots. She called two weeks ago to say she has COVID-19 again, A little worse, but mild flu-like. What a joke!!



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Supporting Member 11
Over time it has become apparent that the shots are actually depleting ones immune system. even to the point that the Austrian Health Commissioner is deflecting blame for issues onto GP's for not telling people of the side effects of the jab, the same guy that wanted un jabbed Austrian's to cough up 4000.00 Euro every 3 months for not being jabbed.
if this is true, all these GP's better get a good lawyer.



Well Known Member
My sister, who lives near Memphis, contacted COVID-19 early in the pandemic. Mild flu-like. No sweat. She gets both shots. She gets COVID-19 again one year later. No sweat, flu-like with mild reactions. Then she gets her three booster shots. She called two weeks ago to say she has COVID-19 again, A little worse, but mild flu-like. What a joke!!

as I was reading this I thought her condition was going to be progressively/massively worse ... whew.
I've read, as also posted here, the jabs are resulting in NEGATIVE immunity ... e.g. that they're sometimes CAUSING the disease.
no thanks. Keep yer jabs to yerself, Fauxchi. You can have ALL of mine.

Iowa 409 Guy

Well Seasoned Member
Supporting Member 15
I see there are 4,000 test beagles going up for adoption. Evidently there were enough test humans that took the shot and the beagles aren't needed anymore. :winner




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So if BitezMe's covid shot mandate is reducing the size of our military who's the Dope going to send over to Taiwan to fight his Goombahs the Chinks?

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