to get jabbed or not get jabbed. That is the question


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As the mainstream narrative doctors always say, safe and effective with no downside. The doctors with opposing ideas and actual data get threatened , shamed and fired. The public needs to wake up on their own. Those court ordered released documents will show more but might not make a difference to people.


Well Known Member
As the mainstream narrative doctors always say, safe and effective with no downside. The doctors with opposing ideas and actual data get threatened , shamed and fired. The public needs to wake up on their own. Those court ordered released documents will show more but might not make a difference to people.
It seems Sheep are the dominant species anymore. Do they think being Sheep will protect them?


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Yep since President Trump came on the scene all the creepy crawlies came slithering out from underneath the rocks and dark damp places big time, and like no other time before, and this includes the Pube Rino's too. Both parties and the "Fake News" really showed us what they're made of and what we can expect from the backstabbers!



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I have more good news! (personally, I think they are all faking. I'm seeing a trend here...)

I think you're right Bob , they just don't want to let go of this virus! I'm sure that Dr Death has many more variations of it in his little test tubes at the lab over there that he can play with as he sits in his itty bitty wee little chair mixing things with his wee little hands!



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If she would just cool her duals a little and put her old moniker of the name Heels up Harris back in the box and stop practicing, she might not get this Chink disease!



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