to get jabbed or not get jabbed. That is the question


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Back in Nov. 2020, I got Covid, I lost my sense of smell but not my sense of taste. The hospital food tasted really bad!!!!
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Supporting Member 2
If the two evil drugs that shall not be named were given to the population at beginning of the Covid spread, the death rate would have been a fraction of what it is currently. One is for river blindness and scabies , and one is for malaria. They are both as old as dirt with safe track record but are demonized along with the few brave docs that prescribe them. The shots are a mystery, if you feel ok with getting them, it’s your own call, who am I to say. But they sure do create a lot of coincidences.


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Supporting Member 6
Oh Hell yeah. If they treated the Libatards with these two drugs that shall not be named ,it would give the Rats a new lease on life and especially in BitezMe's case ,Dr. Jill wouldn't have to dress him and change his didee's so often. But Gerber baby food would take a hell of a hit with all the Libatard's eating regular food again.



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Being this big eared loser has the inside scoop and probably was a helper to Dr. Death Fauci, he knew enough to not take the shot. This !@#$) is living large on our dime BUT if he wasn't I bet he wouldn't have any trouble getting around because I bet with that big pair of ears this loser Muzzie has I bet he could fly anywhere he wanted to go! Plus I bet he could pass for Alfred E. Neuman too if he needed a job!



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It’s become commonplace, multiple people that I know , telling of someone they know that is severely damaged, or died in their sleep. Lots of coincidences since Jan ‘21.


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Id like to know the infection rate difference between D & R counties because this seems to be a virus of politics not science.