The new site


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Supporting Member 1
Hey Bob, I really like the features of the new site but I miss the look and feel of the old one with the neat artwork and seems like there's something more I can't put my finger on:rolleyes: Anyway, Will you be adding some of this here or is this it? Just wondering. Have a great day! Northwoods NUT :D

Maybe it's the pop-ups that I miss? NOT :p


Well, the flags in the upper left corner is our new logo. Im steering away from using too many Chevy's and bowties so as not to get GM's attorneys over here. LOL There are a few througout the site but shouldn't be a problem. I just want to avoid them for the main logo's.

I can add some pop ups if you really want them. How many would you like? :D

I am planning on creating some type of custom buttons and icons for the board that will be unique to this site. Right now we're using the ones that came with the board but when I have time, I'll be working on that. I have added some custom smilies.



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Supporting Member 1
:eek: I hope Chevy doesn't sue me for the flags! At least they wouldn't get much $$$ :rolleyes: :D and Oh Yes; I like the smilies! They make me :) they're so :cool:


Well Known Member
Supporting Member 3
Hey Nut,,,,You could always download nad print the stuff you like on the old site,,,then cut them out and glue them to you monitor !!!
There are so many great things about this new forum that outweight ANY thing on the old site and many of the other sites!! How many sites can load photos from their computers like this one? Even that giga-chevy site has a crappy photo loading system.
All in all I REALLY like this new fangeled forum !!And it doesn`t have and soot out the back !!! LOL !!
Thanks again Bob,,,,,,,


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Supporting Member 1
Don't take me the wrong way.

dq, I hope I didn't make it sound like I don't like the new site. I just felt like talking so I mentioned it. How else will I become a senior member? I know I know, send in some money and I can be a supporting member.:rolleyes: I love the site Bob and I understand the issues with trade marks etc. If my flags are an issue, let me know and I 'll get another picture. You guys have a great weekend!:D NUT


Supporting Member 1
I would like to see the Diner scene
used also. You did such a good job
creating it, and it looks so good
with the rear view's of the neat Impala's
we all love.



Well Known Member
Supporting Member 3
Hey Nut,,,,,NAHHH didn`t take it that way !! Just me and sarcaustic sense (who me?) <<<<<<< WE NEED MEL AND HIS FAMIALY BACK !!!:cheers :cheers :cheers :cheers :cheers

And Michael,,,,,I got the new tat ready to go,,,remember those finks on the V-8 powered skate boards with the long shifter???? YEP !! 409 powered !!!! Be a while though,,,


Nut; there's no harm in you using the flags. I just don't want to use anything in the main site logo's that might cause a problem later. Odds are, no one from GM will even see this site but since we are now on a more professional level, thought we'd better start acting that way. :) And who knows, maybe we'll get our site listed in a magazine one day and become famous. It could happen! :deal

Now if we were to sell T-shirts (and that may happen) I would be very careful about what I used there.

As for the old logo, I was getting tired of it myself. We needed a change. :p

Michael; I think I will add a disclaimer just for what's here now. Not sure how much that really protects us but it can't hurt.