Some pics of my ongoing building project

Tom Kochtanek

Well Known Member
Supporting Member 13
Here is a simple website with some text and pics (about a dozen) that chronicles of trials and tribulations of building a 40' by 60' building on my "Farm" about 4 miles from my residence.

And I'm trying to insert a pic of my '62 SS on that somewhat leveled lot (no building as yet, but some progress is begin made). It's a lot more complex than I thought. Oh, yeah, thanks to Roy (Tripower) for his concrete tips over the phone the other night! I am trying to get TomO and he and I together this summer for a trip to the drags to see his '58 run. Should be fun!



Well Known Member
Supporting Member 15
The Farm


I'd like to see the farm pics, but since I'm on dialup limited to 21.6 ~ 28.8 connect speeds by Ma Bell, those huge photos take forever to download here. Have you considered thumbnails with clickable links to the large size photos?


Tom Kochtanek

Well Known Member
Supporting Member 13
Quick and dirty


I apologize for the HUGE pics. New digital camera, and I took 'em straight off the unit. I did try to size a few for inserting within the Forum, but even at 40K I was unable to post.

Here's a single page with a pic of the '62 SS on the now somewhat level lot (it's a biggee, but it's just one photo. Shouldn't take tooooo long to load via POTS (plain old phone system :) Shed Part 2 001.jpg

I use high speed most of the time, so stuff is rather instantaneous (I should know better, I'm knida spoiled, but was in a hurry in rendering the pages and photos).

Tom K


Well Known Member
Supporting Member 3
Tom,Email me the photos and I`ll resize and post them ,,,,dq


Well Known Member
Supporting Member 15
the site

Wasn't meaning to sound grumpy. Sorry bout that.

I saw a commercial on metal buildings on the tube. They have a site:


Here's another:

US Buildings


Tom Kochtanek

Well Known Member
Supporting Member 13
Photo magic :)

Hey, Wrench no problem, I understand. Didn't mean to sound snobby either about the high speed hookup. I do sit in front of these things all day long, so fast is best for me :)

DQ, I tried to forward a few pics I sized to under 43K and must have messed your Email address up, as it bounced. Care to refresh my memory? I've got a "special photo" that I want Bob to see. I also want to learn what I might be doing wrong, so I need a bit of education (don't we all?). I'm OK at database design and Web programming, but the artistry went to my brother. I was blinded by Science and Technology :)

Tom K


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Supporting Member 3
Tom from the pictures it looks like an excellent source for base. If it is wet down and allowed to dry it should be almost as hard as concrete. You shouldn't have any settling problems later on.Roy

Tom Kochtanek

Well Known Member
Supporting Member 13
Poor man's concrete

Roy, it appears as if you are correct! We haven't had hardly any rain around here in the last month (probably because I laid out that dusty waste lime) so I put a sprinkler on it for a day. Whoa! That stuff is like concrete now :)

I still have to add more to make it level, so I wanted to get this layer down hard before moving on. Sure does take time!

I had a "concept planning meeting" with my (civil) engineer yesterday morning and he was asking why I was preparing to build a $20,000 building on a $40K lot. I had no idea the lot was worth that much, so I replied "because I can" :)

We plan on developing the rest of the lots, and that seems to be a holdup as we plan that bigger project. He is trying to convince me to locate this "shed" elsewhere on the property (after all this work!) to maximize the utility of the land (in terms of getting the most money out of it). I am listening while he is planning. For now I am advised to slow down on the project. So today I'm working on the 800 foot privacy fence in the 90 degree temps (it's cooling down a bit here in mid-Missouri!).

More later when things get resolved.



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The engineer probably drives a minivan and wouldn't understand. I went to the races friday night and I think I hurt the motor. It lost 6 mph on one run and 4 mph after that. No plausable reason, 50 lbs. oil pressure at idle and 70lbs at speed, it doesn't miss but seems to be laboring. I packed up after 3 runs and went home, it made it home although on the way it would pop through the exhaust. I've checked for lose rockers and found none. Thought I might have a cam going flat. I'll probably put the 280hp motor back in and tear this motor [engine ] apart. I never even got a chance to see if the B and M converter would help.:cry Roy


Well Known Member
Supporting Member 1
lost power

Sounds like you bend a exhaust valve or two or three or four. maybe more. :( Been there,done that.
If no bend push rods do a leak down test to find which cylinders are in trouble.
Bluescreamer :cry


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Supporting Member 3
Thanks Blue Screamer, I never thought of bending a valve but it does sound logical. I don't wind the engine over 6000 but I fly cut my own pistons. Maybe my garage machining wasn't to accurate. Well, I'll see and let you guys know.:( Roy