Ready to aknowledge the oil in my veins


Well Known Member
Hi all!

I have been a "lurker" here on and off for a while, and have been (ahem) "encouraged" by my Dear Old Dad to become a more active participant. He has been bragging about the site and the fellows who frequent it :bow - so here I am. Ok, nuts-n-bolts...born on Long Island now living in Florida, musician turned molecular biologist turned stateworker, my pop was a grease monkey before it was "cool" to turn wrenches - I am just now realizing that I'd like to develop that skill myself.

Pop managed to scare up an arrow-straight, relatively rust-free 61 BelAir "Bubbletop" with NOS trim and seats and hood, and has it stashed for us to work on together. He did some sanding and priming, but is actually more focused on his own baby, a '57 drag racer coversion to streetable. Somehow he shoehorned a 348 into that bay (I think he built the bay around the block). The car will be beautiful when finished, he has been doing a super job of tearing it down cleaning it up and putting it back together.

Recently, I had occasion to visit the 61... I mean visit my Dad.. on "the island" and got to tear the top and front off off the 348 (from a 64? potato truck) we plan to use to power our sweet ride. I think seeing my first engine-cut knuckle brought Dad to the brink of tears - he has been dreaming of the Father-Son project for a while, waiting for me to realize that I am a hotrodder at heart, too. The whole event was sort of comical... here I am knowing little more than "righty:tighty - lefty:loosey" trying to figure out where I want to take the project :scratch ! I saved my first snapped bolt-head. I will probably get it chromed and save it to commemorate the event!

I am sure that most of you are familiar with k9hotrodder... well, it is I who am the fruit of his loins! The knee-biter in the yellow jacket in his avatar?... me! Too cute, right? :crazy

Anyway, Pop said that many of you found me here and have already welcomed me. Thank you all. Once I am more familiar with the workings of the site, I will try to thank you each individually - right now I am not even sure where to look to see your welcoming posts!

These things having been said, I am glad to be here and look forward to soaking up as much knowledge as I can from you old geezers... I mean wise sages... so our project will meet its goals - burn gas and waste rubber. Hopefully, I will make a few good friends along the way, too.


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Supporting Member 3
The knee-biter in the yellow jacket

................ well I don't know about the "cute" part......... but a big welcome to the zoo. You definately have an ace up your sleeve when it comes to building that '61. Dad will for sure keep you in line.

You are a very lucky man to have the opportunity to do a project with and learn from your father.

You will indeed make good friends on here......... it's a great bunch of people !!


Don Jacks

Well Seasoned Member
Supporting Member 3
:cool:i'I'll send a big second to what Dave said.It's refreshing to see a young whippersnaper,er I mean person get involved with our hobby/sport.I'm afraid that once a lot of us are gone,most of the love,experiance,knowledge will disappear.Welcome ,and keep the fires burning:deal

Dick MacKenzie

Well Known Member
Supporting Member 9
Glad to see you here! If I had known about the 61 when your dad visited i would have tried to talk him out of it!


Well Known Member
thanks, Dave. He has already toned down my outlandish fantasies quite a bit. I still have a desire for chrome that he has yet to squelch!


Well Known Member
I hear you, Don. Something to be said for working with wrenches and screwdrivers, rather than computers and cables.


Well Known Member
I am sure I (... OK, "We") will let you drool near it when it is complete. I hope I have not given away a secret project, Pop. Seems Dick might have his eye on it. lol

Thank you all for the warm welcome.


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Supporting Member 3
Seems Dick might have his eye on it.

Dick is pretty persistant and a great guy....... but you can fend him off......... Just be careful if our friend Phil rolls into town with his trailer.......... make sure the garage is locked and the gaurd dog is on duty !!!!




Well Seasoned Member
Supporting Member 18
Great, to have you aboard, 61belair348.:clap It's a good thing, when younger guys get involved in, old iron.:clap:clap My own son, who is now 35, has been turning wrenches with me, since he could stand up.:clap Your Dad's a great guy, and I know you will make him proud.:bowOh! You're Dad is always asking everyone, for pictures.:dunno Can, we see a picture of the bolt?:doh And maybe, your knuckles.:doh:clap:rolleyes: Again, WELCOME.


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Supporting Member 2
OH NO, not another computer geek. I do like the "wise sages" part ...I think, if I knew the words meaning. Welcome to the jungle. The zoo couldn't hold us all.



Well Known Member
Supporting Member 10

Welcome to the site as an active member !!! :cheers If you've been lurking around you know this is sometimes "The Zoo" :roll:cool:, but lots of knowledge and help available for your project.

Do post some pictures !!

I am also trying to get started on a project with my Grandson (70 Skylark) and I know your dad is really looking forward to having you there turning wrenches next to him ! :clap:)



Well Known Member
pics of the 61

I have only a few I took on my phone of the greasy nuckle-bloodying joyful event of playing with the motor earlier this year. I will put them up in an album. k9 has some really nice images of some of his prepwork on the body - will he be able to add them to my album? Visit his album at to see it the day it arrived at our SECRET garage. Don't come looking for it, we are on a tropical island, inside an active volcano crater, guarded by giant Amozonian Women.


Well Known Member
Supporting Member 15
OH GREAT!!! Now the UPS driver won't deliver anything.:doh

Hey Phil,Did you get that? Bring your firesuit and don't park too close to the edge.:nono1:


Well Known Member
don't sweat it, Pop. If they can find the island, and get past the lava, the girls will keep them too busy to find the garage.:love

region rat

Well Known Member
Supporting Member 3
Welcome aboard.I hope you realize how lucky you are, having Dad around for guidance. Will save you a lot of time and effort.I'd be willing to bet a lot of your savy came from hanging around with Dad.There's nothing better. Best of luck, Region Rat


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Supporting Member 2
As you can see I need some more spare parts for my car and now I have a satelite photo of where to find some, thanks in advance. LOL:roll