QK code 409?

Carl 1962

Well Known Member
This engine is for sale on Facebook Marketplace for $1,900, but I've never heard of a QK suffix code, and do the dipsticks always angle like that?




Well Known Member
Supporting Member 9
This engine is for sale on Facebook Marketplace for $1,900, but I've never heard of a QK suffix code, and do the dipsticks always angle like that?
I think the dipstick angle is about the same as mine.


Well Known Member
Wonder if the head surface is warped with all that welding doesn't look good. If I was selling it I would make it more presentable at least. my 068 marine block doesn't have any stamping on the pad.
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Supporting Member 2
Any chance this block was machined and the numbers were cut off and someone screwed up on the re-stamp? Just curious. I have no idea and can't find anything also so now looking at alternatives.


Well Known Member
While the price is out of the range I would pay for it, if it magnafluxed and pressure tested good I wouldn't hesitate to use it. It obviously was used in an application that used center dump exhaust manifolds due to the heavy sooting from a long term exhaust leak. As far as the ugliness of the repair, form follows function.


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Supporting Member 9
There were 348's used in some farm equipment, forage harvesters, etc. I think New Holland was one that used them. Maybe this 409 came from farm equipment? Since Tonawanda stamped it, I think it was purpose built for something. The over the counter replacement blocks/engines I've seen had no stamp.


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Supporting Member 2
While the price is out of the range I would pay for it, if it magnafluxed and pressure tested good I wouldn't hesitate to use it. It obviously was used in an application that used center dump exhaust manifolds due to the heavy sooting from a long term exhaust leak. As far as the ugliness of the repair, form follows function.
Form does follow function but there is another saying. A pretty weld can still be weak but an ugly one always is. I would question whether it would crack again in the future. Cast is funny that way.


Well Seasoned Member
Supporting Member 10
Looks like a grind out and restamp to me. Maybe it was supposed to be QR which would be Pg and transistor ignition. Whoever restamped it misstook the R for a K.?


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Supporting Member 10
Looks like a serious crack repair to me. I've often wondered, with a cracked block, metal separates and you have a visible crack. At least I think that's what happens. So, with this separation, does anything become misaligned some, like pistons in the bore or maybe bolt holes?? There has to be movement somewhere I would think, Carmine.