President Trump


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This is the sickness of the democrat and liberal party. No respect for America. This country has given them so much, yet they hate themselves, anyone that doesn't agree with them, and this country.
They point to failed nation states as examples we should strive to achieve. Nobody produces anything and state disperses what they feel the servants need.


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Donald Trump testified, That testimony, which ended with the defense attorneys declining to offer any cross-examination, went even worse for him than even imagined. Indeed, his appearance contained all of the disastrous predictions of many courtroom veterans, including admissions of misdeeds, false statements, and testimony inconsistent with that given by his sons. As I anticipated, “the only beneficiaries of Trump’s testimony will be the state of New York” and perhaps federal prosecutors. :appl


Well Known Member
Donald Trump testified, That testimony, which ended with the defense attorneys declining to offer any cross-examination, went even worse for him than even imagined. Indeed, his appearance contained all of the disastrous predictions of many courtroom veterans, including admissions of misdeeds, false statements, and testimony inconsistent with that given by his sons. As I anticipated, “the only beneficiaries of Trump’s testimony will be the state of New York” and perhaps federal prosecutors. :appl
One more nail in the coffin of Trump. But with liberals the ends justify the means. You all are ok with Clintons billions of dollars of corruption, Bidens crap, Obama's elevated to that 1% of rich, Benghazi, election steal, child molesters, etc.
Beautiful 1962 Our62.


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One more nail in the coffin of Trump. But with liberals the ends justify the means. You all are ok with Clintons billions of dollars of corruption, Bidens crap, Obama's elevated to that 1% of rich, Benghazi, election steal, child molesters, etc.
Beautiful 1962 Our62.
You forgot too include all of the Republican presidents in between that fixed nothing but did help increase our countries Debt.


Well Known Member
You forgot too include all of the Republican presidents in between that fixed nothing but did help increase our countries Debt.
Obama and Biden did a great job balancing the budget. I'll bitch about Republicans. At least I'm honest.


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Obama and Biden did a great job balancing the budget. I'll bitch about Republicans. At least I'm honest.
The only president that has balanced and has added surpluses to the budget in the past 30 years was Clinton. Bush jr, Obama and Trump has added the highest too our debt.
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Clinton didn't balance budget. Claims he did but that's a lie.
I know they stopped teaching history, But not for Presidents 1998-2001 he did in fact balance the budget brought in more revenue then what was spent for those 4 years.
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Iowa 409 Guy

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Trump's trial going on now is a travesty. There is no way that judge should be allowed to run that trial based on her vendetta against Trump. A fair trial is in order with a jury, not a kangaroo court.

We all know the left is scared to death of Trump running again.


Well Known Member
Trump's trial going on now is a travesty. There is no way that judge should be allowed to run that trial based on her vendetta against Trump. A fair trial is in order with a jury, not a kangaroo court.

We all know the left is scared to death of Trump running again.
Travesty. Exactly right. Everyone deserves a FAIR trial in area they can get one
Interesting tidbit...NY courts get their jurys from VOTING RECORDS. The significance is if there is a defendant with political affiliations not aligned with the Procecutor, the Procecutor can cherry pic those jurys from the political party the Procecutor is aligned with.
Can't nothing go wrong there huh


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Supporting Member 5
Travesty. Exactly right. Everyone deserves a FAIR trial in area they can get one
Interesting tidbit...NY courts get their jurys from VOTING RECORDS. The significance is if there is a defendant with political affiliations not aligned with the Procecutor, the Procecutor can cherry pic those jurys from the political party the Procecutor is aligned with.
Can't nothing go wrong there huh
There is no jury.