President Trump


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Supporting Member 2
I see you were just here Geary. What's the matter, cannot think of anything smart to say then run and hide?


Well Known Member
I think the real tell of the tape is when 45 people that served in Trump administration or cabinet were interviewed 43 said they would not support Trump in a a rebid for President.
I think the real tell is 43 of 45 remember the history of concentration camps and 43 of 45 have chosen to turn in the last 2 to save their asses...for now.
I expect you're in that group of 43.


I was waiting for this. The whole thing is an attempt to stop him! America has been taken over and most don't even see it.



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Supporting Member 6
This was pretty cool of the Donald. He wouldn't go out until after they called Ben Carson, I really don't know what kind of a Fk up they had going there but Trump hung with Ben.
