President Trump

Iowa 409 Guy

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When they kill him the murderer will be a white conservative NRA member.....Mark my words.

They are afraid, very afraid.


I haven't been following any of their BS but I'd say they are trying to keep him out on a technicality is my guess. Can you run for President if you have a criminal record? (biden or clinton as a last name not included)

What else can we expect when we have the real CRIMINALS running the country? They steal and election and not only get away with it but prosecute the ones they stole from! Sounds like a bad movie. Sure we have guns but they are useless if we don't use them!@!
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I wonder if Trump regrets not actually GOING AFTER THESE RATS when he had the chance? He was way too soft on his enemies and instead of going after them, he did nothing and now they are out for his hide! (example, right after winning I believe he said that he would not go after hillary because "she's been through enough..,") She has been attacking him non stop to this day! It's infuriating seeing these ba$tards get away with their actions all while living like royalty!

As much as I'd love Trump to be the next POTUS, my question is WILL he really drain the swamp this time?? He had one chance already and look where we are...



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group of GOP lawmakers has introduced legislation that would bar any state or local prosecutor from using federal funds to investigate a president and singles out Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg's (D) office with a bill that would force it to return federal funding.Apr 13, 2023. Lmao,screw you Alvin!!!! And screw you fanie fat ass she has not commented yet whether she used those funds. Jim Jordan said they won on this bill.
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Supporting Member 6
I find it VERY unfortunate that the Justice Department has not spent the same amount of time and treasure investigating the irregularities of the last election, like the ballots that suddenly showed up from under the table on election night after the video cameras were turned off and Trump was ahead. Or the ballot stuffing of remote "mail-in" ballot boxes as documented in the video "2000 mules". What a crock! Although I am not a big fan of the man (I am a big fan of his policies), I think the last election was deeply flawed and rigged to beat Trump at all costs.


We've seen actual VIDEO of the election steal!!!!! I swear we are living in an alternate universe or something. Up is down, right is wrong, male is female... Nothing makes any sense anymore. (common sense at that!)

Trump had every right to not accept the stolen election! But when the criminals that STOLE it are in charge, and nobody wants to stop this corrupt government, this is what we get. The honest side gets jailed while the real criminals are living the good life destroying our country and getting fat off of our dime!!!!

It all boils down to this: Allowing a stolen election to proceed and go unpunished has consequences. America and us citizens are paying for it now and will do so for a lot longer!