OK, here's a question for the ages.


Well Known Member
Supporting Member 6
Yeah Meatloaf went and got Covid! They don't know if he got the jab or not last I knew. I saw him on Huckabee's show a couple months ago and he wasn't looking to spry. I think I remember reading that he was against covid mandates on getting the jag! RIP Meat



Well Known Member
What's so understandable to me is, if you are in a burning building and there is a way out - wouldn't you take it. If you are in a sinking boat - you don't know how to swim - someone gives you a life jacket wouldn't you take it. When there is a shot or shots to protect you and wear a mask wouldn't one do it. It's like standing in front of a firing squad and hope no one has ammunition. I just don't understand this not wanting to live. Could someone please explain it. PLEASE. I got 3 shots, wear a mask everywhere. I am protecting not only myself, but you too. If by chance I have it the day I am out, wearing my mask is protecting you from me. To me it's a no brainier. IF I am wrong tell me. I know people come up with all kinds of excuses for not doing this ore that. Till it's been proven not to wear a mask or get shots won't do a thing, I WILL WEAR MY MASK. I care.


Well Known Member
Yeah Meatloaf went and got Covid! They don't know if he got the jab or not last I knew. I saw him on Huckabee's show a couple months ago and he wasn't looking to spry. I think I remember reading that he was against covid mandates on getting the jag! RIP Meat

Didn't he tell a great story about the JFK assassination.