Oh well


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As I was driving by the Sonic on the way home from work about nine o'clock tonight, I saw a friend of mine's canary yellow five four Chevy. Found out he had sold it to a high school kid that I know because he waits tables at two different restaurants in town. He rides his bike to work and school and is in the band and tries too hard to be cool. You know exactly who he is, trust me. I can be with my wife or doing business with some suits or whatever and he comes up and talks cars. Never occurs to him it might not be the best time.

Well now he has some hot rod wheels and you can imagine what he was feeling tonight. If you remember what it was like, that first car was the center of your Universe. It could have a dead racoon wrapped up in the fenderwell and look like the surface of moon from when the former owner got jumped by guys with bats wrapped in razor wire. You were too thrilled to see anything other than the glory of it.

So we got to talking and he was just beside himself telling all about it and that he'd paid for it himself and, and, and. It's a nice ride - 350/350/12 bolt and chrome wheels, worn mostly stock interior. I thought it was real cool even before tonight.

Then this guy about my age in his late fifties I see around came up with his buds and pointed out that the car had been around and telling them what he thought was wrong with it as if the kid wasn't there. He (the proud owner) looked like someone was beating him on the asphalt like a rag. I've learned the hard way too many times not to piss people off. Especially big people. The ones with squashed noses and missing teeth and scars from eating beer glasses and eyes that don't look the same direction at once. Unwise. But there are lines and this jerk was way over an important one.

We had words and things got lots more nasty real fast than I had expected, but he finally thought better of it and left. We're both old enough to know better and would have probably had to have a pee break in the middle of it. Made an enemy tonight. Not cool. I was stupid as any of you that have ever been in a street fight knows, but I thought this was worth the risk considering. I think it was because I was a lot like this kid back then and would have wanted someone to stick up for me. There are lessons in this somewhere, but I'm not seeing them yet. Still really pissed (mostly from being scared) and wondering what in the world I was thinking, but glad I'm conscious and not bleeding.


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You did what you thought right at the time !!
Jerks are jerks and sometimes you just can`t stand it anymore!!

I just wish I was there to help ,,,or hurt !!!

As*holes need to be put back in there place now and then,,,,I think you did the right thing,,,,,Hope the young hot rodder feels better,,,,,,dq
Well TM.... maybe it did get out of hand ( perhaps the guy was just a Mopar "B body" owner, and he can't help it ? )......

Ya' did the right thing.... stopping just before it was the wrong thing.
Sure does make a guy feel crappy afterwards though, don't it ?
But then again, what do you suppose that kid is saying about YOU ?


I always suggest taking a person whom just hates the make/style car you are interested in, with you to go look at a car. Those kinds of friends are good to have in those situations, and will point out every problem with the car before money changes hands. You end up knowing exactly what is to come. People tend to get a pair of instant blinders when looking at used cars.

I have a freind whom takes me along when he or one of his pals, is interested in some non-GM vehicle. I can pick a car right down to the factory frame rivits if it has problems. Better to know what one is getting into then find out after you buy something that is shiny on the outside, gone south everywhere else.

All that said, the person whom came up and started spewing should nave had his clock set, right in the nose and/or jaw.

That car was bought and paid for by a kid whom worked for it, darned hard, two jobs, and he should be afforded the quiet help he needs to both get whatever he wants to do with it, and it needs, done right. Help the kid, don't destroy him, help him to learn cars, just get involved. This kid isn't out stealing stuff, he works, help.

I say good for this kid, he worked for the car, and, to him, it is the best car in the world, with all the problems he can see and those he can't, just like the bicycle the Pee-Wee Herman character had, the best in the world.

Punch the jerk, help the kid.


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Butt hole

I agree with all above. You showed GREAT RESTRAINT. Don't think I could have done it. Don't like to fight, as I bruise easy and bleed a lot! Don't heal nearly as fast as I used to. But, hey, enough is enough. And, on the back of my pick up, it says it all. amansgottadowhatamansgottado!



If a guy and his "buds" in their late 50's has to put others down to feel better about himself, that my friends is pathetic. I'd laugh, confidently, and ask..."how old are YOU?"


Supporting Member 1
I'm a man of few words but lots of action. You did the right thing for the right reason. I'll bet that kid loves his car no matter what people may say. I am sure there are people out there that think my car is hideous, but i built my car the way I wanted it, not how they wanted it. There should be more like you!


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some redemption

The kid's dad called and thanked me. That made me feel better.

I know this is getting way off the purpose of the forum and I was self-indulgent to even bring it up here, but I think we all run into this at times in some way.

Aubrey - you brought up a point that his dad mentioned too. (No, not the Mopar part, but I sure laughed at that.) I stood, but didn't swing. His kid saw someone try to draw a line, but he also saw that you don't have to pounce to prove something. I thought about it a lot today and would do it again hoping the other party wouldn't get so furious - I just said to give the kid a break and he was instantly literally in my face and all red and yelling - but it reminded me that it can be pretty risky. Any of you that have been trained in the military or someplace know just how bad this can get. And these days, the guy will sue and live off of you the rest of his life.

So I guess it worked out okay.

Tom Kochtanek

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Lessons learned

May your patience be thick and your handshake firm. Everyone learned something (some more than others, I suspect) and nobody got hurt. It doesn't always work out that good. Good thing I am running out of testosterone, I've had that same feeling :)

I prefer to converse with folks who have more open opinions of alternative choices, and who respect a solid effort and unbridled enthusiasm. I bet the other guy would've wet his pants if it escalated ....

Tom (still some testosterone in there somewhere!)


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Some times its hard to see assholes untill they are in your face. This guy builds himself up by putting some else down. Heros like that sure need to step back and take a good look. Maybe a post like this helps to remind us of what we say to others might hurt. Nice to show the kid there is good guys out there. Right on John