Of Diamond Necklaces and Headers


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While driving with my wife the subject of money or lack there of came up. She said I always seemed to have money for my car. Then she proceeded to tell me of Valentines day. She had been hinting for a particular necklace that was $300.00 and come Valentines day I gave her a card, flowers and dinner and here is where I messed up, I said I didn't have enough money to buy the necklace. Guess what shows up the next monday, my new headers. She cataloged this in the back of her mind just to use for just a day like today. A word to the wise, choose you conversations wisely.:cuss Roy


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Supporting Member 3

Roy, are you ok? Did she hurt you? Sometimes it takes a while to get these answers sorted out. I'm on my third wife. I think I have it down pat, now. :( Hope so, anyway. Gets expensive!

Dan Hunt

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Supporting Member 5
Wife Problems???

Last week my wife turned 50.I bought her 2 cards some candy and a new vacuum cleaner(she was not impressed).Today I took her for a drive in my 1964 Canadian Pontiac 327 4spd, bought her a new TV,some other junk, and told her the Pontiac was hers.
Things are great now( she can't drive a standard) so it's still mine.
Don't get me wrong she is no dummy RN.BN.MEd. It was all a joke and she took it very well.


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Supporting Member 3
Now THATS BAD timimg Roy !! heeee heee
We car nutz are a little slow sometimes when it come to ANY other parts of our lives.
You gotta try harder to soften her up and let her you she matters and you care about her.
AHHHHHHH ,,,never mind,,,,,,know where I can get a set of air bags ??? lmsoao,,,,,,dq
:cheers :cheers :cheers


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Supporting Member 15
mad money

I learned long ago to keep 3K in mad money. 1K under the drawer liner in the bottom of the toolbox (for tools needed).
The other 2K in my wallet so I don't miss ANY good deals, whether they be old car parts (hobby 1), computers (hobby 2),
or rare books (hobby 3). It's worked for 10 years now. And she never needs to know. I figure if she has my paycheck, I get the mad money. It's always there in case it ever needs to go into the family budget, should a need arise.

:cool: :cool: :cool: :p


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Supporting Member 3
YEP,,,I`m single again now and plan on staying that way for a long time !! Don`t have to explane anything to anyone,,,,,The last better half (?) never had a problem with my car fund though.
Wrench,,,,Could you post your address and posibly let me know where you keep your tool box?? I need to barrow a 9/16 wrench. No bother I will I`ll get it and return it as soon a posible ,,,heeee heeeee ,,dq:p :p


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Supporting Member 15
Borrowing tools

Okay, but don't forget to disarm my alarm system:

A silent alarm, and a deer rifle with night vision scope.

One second they're stealing, the next, they're merely a
pink haze glistening in the soft moonlight....

:cool: :eek: