New Member with a Basket Case 409 Impala Project


First, big thanks to all of you for the website! The information is invaluable. Within the next 12 months I'll begin on a 62 Impala hardtop 409 project and will be hanging out in the forum reading all I can. I'm looking forward to learning from you all and contributing were I can. Thanks!


Well Known Member
Supporting Member 1
Welcome! Lots to read and learn here. How about some pictures and where do you call home?

Phil Reed

Well Seasoned Member
Supporting Member 10
Welcome! !!! You'll love it here.
Noticed you live in O'Fallon. We're in St. Paul this weekend at our daughters.
Do you know Dennis Sutton? Mark Johnson here lives in St. Louis.
Question......who are the men and the event in your avatar?

Bub6le 2op

Well Known Member
Supporting Member 6
Welcome to the site Justin, great group of guys and as you probably already know everyone here will be glad to help, and pictures are good pay back, love to see un,
so COME ON IN HERE AND GET THE PARTY STARTED!!!!!!!!!!:wax....................:weld..................:burnout

Tom Kochtanek

Well Known Member
Supporting Member 13
Welcome aboard! Looks like a fine project to take on, will be interested in seeing pics and learning more of your challenge ahead.

I'm in the St. Louis area a bit, but I live in Columbia, MO. Like Phil I've got a derivative there (University City area near WashU). Looking forward to hearing more of your project!



Well Known Member
Supporting Member 15
Welcome to the site Justin:appl. Great group here:hug and lots of info on the "W" engine. Like I always said to my Mother-in-law " Get in, sit down , put on your seat belt and HOLD ON !!! " Enjoy the ride !!!:D


Well Known Member
Supporting Member 10
Welcome to the zoo. .. Sit back pull your seat belt low and tight and keep your arms and legs inside the car at all times !!! Enjoy
