Looking for 348 car block.

Frank Rinn

New Member
Thanks for having me in this group, I'm up in Thunder Bay Canada above Duluth. I have a 348 stroked out to 410 with a cracked block was talking to Tom Monroe and he suggested I try this site. I have found a truck block with the two relief's but would like to have a car block to keep the compression up 10.5, there is nothing else in my area. Don't really know what a block is worth with a standard bore ( have to bore it .030 for my pistons) if there is anything out there please let me know. Thanks Frank

Don Jacks

Well Seasoned Member
Supporting Member 3
Welcome Frank,I have a 250 horse short block that I could part with but shipping up there might be an issue.It's a standard bore but would need an overbore.I think an .020[wear no rust pits] would work fine,.030 would be no problem.
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Well Known Member
Supporting Member 3
I guess how is the block damaged to begin with because cracked blocks get fixed every day. Any pictures?


Well Known Member
Supporting Member 3
Welcome Frank, This is definitely the site to look for 348/409 stuff lots of old hoarders here!:D:laugh4 Good luck.


Well Known Member
Supporting Member 1
Welcome to the forum Frank Rinn, Jim is right. Depending on where the crack is there is a good chance it can be fixed, don' throw the baby out with the bath water! If its a cylinder you can sleeve it, if its on the side below the deck you can lock and stitch it.


Well Seasoned Member
Supporting Member 18
Welcome Frank Rinn.:clap Lot's of knowledge, around here, on these engine's. Part's also.:good