LONG trip for pr of rusty 348s


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Supporting Member 3
Was winning ebay bidder on a pair of 348s. Both froze but only $210 and ones a tri-power. In Kansas 480 miles away but only $100 in gas and 16 hours. Simple right? Yeah right! Drive down without a hitch. Pick em up and I'm off in record time. The 3.73 geared 3/4 ton is humming pretty good at 75 and getting warm. Stop at the toll both at the east end of I70, wait in line about 10 minutes for some tender head and the temp keeps going up. I'm fishing for change out of the ash tray and by the time I get to the booth, my truck dies. Now I'm the guy their calling names. Have the toll guy stop all lanes and help push my truck to their parking lot. I figure I'll just let it cool down and I'll be off. Two hours later its cold but still won't fire. It's fuel injected so I must have flooded it good cranking on it all this time. I pull a plug and its bone dry. I pour gas in the throttle body and it fires up. It's not getting gas. I must have a bad fuel pump. Find a shop thats open on Saturday and call a tow truck. It's now 3 hours later. While waiting for the tow I'll see if I can bang on that pump and maybe get it to work. Crawl under truck and see the maze of hoses coming from the other tank. Then it hits me. I have TWO tanks. I look at the dash and my tank switch is right in the middle. I hit it while digging for change in the ash tray. I flip it to right tank and she starts right up just as the tow truck arrives. What a tender head.


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Supporting Member 9
Hey, you are not alone on the gas tank switch problem. I had it happen in my 87 1/2 ton.

I was coming up to a busy intersection, the light was going yellow, and I could see I could not beat the red. I hit the brakes hard. My ash tray was open with the cell phone cord attached. My brief case was next to me on the seat and it hit the dash and the open ash tray really hard and folded it down about 90 degrees more than it was supposed to be. Both those little return springs flew out.

When I got stopped for the red light, the engine was dead and would not start. When the light turned green, I got out and pushed it across the intersection and both lanes of traffic. It was about 15 min. of trying to start it before I noticed my gas tank switch was in the middle.

Anyway, glad you got the 348's home OK!



Now that sounds like something that would happen to me. :rolleyes: :p Probably the only reason it hasn't is that I never had anything with dual tanks. :D