Info regarding '61 Impala

John Whigham

Active Member
I am an average guy trying to build an above average '61 Bubbletop, 409/425. We are at the beginning stages of the project and I am trying to gather all applicable details for a high quality build. I would appreciate your help.


Well Known Member
Supporting Member 11

but ask away and do some searches, there are many knowledgeable people on this forum, and by the way if you need some good quality brakes and bearings contact 1958Delivery, a plug for you Mike.

By the way welcome and post lots of pic's

Tom Kochtanek

Well Known Member
Supporting Member 13
Do you have all the components on hand (vehicle, drive train, etc.)? What kind of shape are those in?

Are you going for a "factory fresh restoration" or will there be some mods?

Unless you have an original SS car from 1961, you probably have a "replacement" engine in mind from another vehicle. Are you planning on making that look factory correct or something else?

Going with the original interior patterns?

Are you doing the work yourself, or are you hiring it out?

Let us know what your objectives are and your talent level and we can give you some guidance, but you get to make all the decisions (and spend all your money).


Dick MacKenzie

Well Known Member
Supporting Member 9
:welcome Need lots more info from you! :idea Tell us everything you know about your car.....EVERYTHING! :deal

Everything you currently have for it.

Everything you want to do to it.

Everything you already know how to do.

Everything you can think of.

63 dream'n

Well Seasoned Member
Supporting Member 4
Welcome to the site........good luck with your build,I really don't have the funding for an all out build but hopefully will find "hidden talents that will pull me through.many quality threads to read thru.specific engine builds,and a lot talent to inspire you for your best possible outcome,and tons of knowledge from a group of guys who I believe could help you fix anything.I think your in the right place........but you'll be hounded for pics........