I'm finally back


Supporting Member 1
Hello all,

Its been way to long since I spent any time here. Much water has passed under the bridge in the last 7 months. Back in March I took on a new position with my employer. From March until September I commuted between Albuquerque and San Francisco.

We sold our NM house in August for a net profit thank the good Lord, and moved to N. CA. We have been the trying to fit all our stuff into a smaller rental house, while we wade through the stripped foreclosures that are the bulk of what is for sale to find one to buy.

Things are finally settling down enough that I can indulge in the hobby side of things. I mss you guys:hug


Well Known Member
Supporting Member 5
Welcome back , John.
You have missed very little. The actors have changed but the arguments are the same .:roll


Well Known Member
Supporting Member 2
John, I was wondering were the heII you have been...:? Glad to hear things are getting settled...


Well Known Member
Supporting Member 3
Holly crap !!! good to hear you're back and doing well !!

And even better news is you are closer to the Great north West !

I see some car gatherings with one more friend !! Yes?


Well Known Member
Supporting Member 4
Hey John

Glad you're back.

Hope all goes well looking for the right property to buy.

Smart move settling into a rental until you find something you like. You get to know the district a bit better after you've lived there for awhile, ask a few questions and can make a more informed decision when you're ready to buy.:deal




Well Known Member
Supporting Member 17
Welcome back to us. Little has changed:roll:roll What town are you looking to be near?


Well Known Member
I bought a bank owned house. got a really good deal on it. Main thing to do is get pre-qualified for the loan and have that letter in hand when you make an offer.
The ceiling fans and dishwasher were missing from our house. We got the bank to give us another 2500.00 off the price to replace those. There are some really good deals out there. Good luck in your search.


Well Seasoned Member
Supporting Member 10
Welcome back John, I hope you didn't land in Pelosiland. :eek:
Inland is better. I lived in Roseville outside Sacramento from 82-87 and loved it. I know its different now, but probably still better than the Bay area.


Well Known Member
Supporting Member 15
Welcome back John.:clap You obviously have made many friends here who are glad to hear from you. I haven't had the pleasure of talking with you and I hope we can talk soon.:crazy:cool:

Phil Reed

Well Seasoned Member
Supporting Member 10
Welcome back John!!!!!!!!
Wished you had been around in April. Candy & I HAD to spend about 3 hours in your Appleby's talking with Larry (Parts)...all by ourselves!!!!!!!!!!!! Actually....we had a great time but was hoping to meet you too when I was in the area.
Hope you like CA!!!!