
Well Known Member
Supporting Member 3

I ordered a set of used Drag Racing Slicks from and recieved them last week.
What they sent were a set of Stock Car Specials that are worthless to us drag racers.
I have Emailed them several times for a refund on the tires ($29) and the shipping charges ($45) and they will not reply.
I have also filed a complaint with PayPal on their less then honest advertising and business dealings.

They CLEARLY advertise Drag Racing Slicks and have another page for Nascar stuff.
Check out their less then honest website and see for yourself.,,,dq.


Well Known Member
Supporting Member 3
I talked to Terry ,the owner of Hot Tires today and he said it states that the tires that would be sent are stock car tires.
When I pointed out that it does not say anything about that anywhere on the "Drag Racing Tire "page he said "Sorry".
He did say I could return them at my cost and he would ONLY refund the $29 for the tires but no shipping.
YEH RIGHT !! It will cost MORE to ship the tires then I will get in a refund.
When I pointed out that it was his error that the website had no reference to Stock Car tires he basically said TOO BAD !!
IS the resulting unhappy customer worth the that amount of money?
BAD business decision on his part !!,,,,dq
I can get these stock tires local all day long for 10 bucks,,,,if his website even mentioned that I would not have ordered them.
:cuss :cuss

Fathead Racing

Well Known Member
Supporting Member 7
Bad deal

It's scum bags like that that give the hot rod business a black eye. Thanks for the tip. I'll never do business with them and none of my friends either if I grt to them first.:cuss