Hi everyone


Active Member
Hi from the UK.... I'm Sera. I've not currently got an Impala, but hoping to one day.

I've got a few projects on the go, including dropping an LS motor in my 2nd gen Camaro, a Blazer daily which is ever in need of work, 2 custom bikes and a trike too...

So yeah... this girl can...apparently

Bub6le 2op

Well Known Member
Supporting Member 6
Welcome to the site................Best information on the web right here, used to think it was just about the W Head engines but after I've come to know these guys, I learned its about just about everything, just ask and you'll see................Glad to have ya aboard

Jeff Olson

Well Known Member
Supporting Member 2
:welcome2 Welcome! We are an equal opportunity asylum!
I cant believe Bob the Grand Poobah of the this slightly demented bunch hasn't welcomed you yet!

Fathead Racing

Well Known Member
Supporting Member 7
Hi from the UK.... I'm Sera. I've not currently got an Impala, but hoping to one day.

I've got a few projects on the go, including dropping an LS motor in my 2nd gen Camaro, a Blazer daily which is ever in need of work, 2 custom bikes and a trike too...

So yeah... this girl can...apparently
We all share an interest in cars here, makes no difference man or woman. Are you hot? Ok ok, lol.