General Store

Iowa 409 Guy

Well Seasoned Member
Supporting Member 15
When I was 16 or so there was a store just like this at a place called Shady Grove. We'd go in and buy a piece of cheese or something and set by the stove and just look around at all the stuff on the walls ect. Someone saved the building and moved it. I go by it from time to time.

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Supporting Member 2
We have one of those in Williamsburg Mo right off I-70 on the north side just east of Kingdom City. There is always a group of regulars chewing the fat in the gathering area. Their advertisement is "Boots, bullets, britches & bologna." and they have all. They will slice you a bologna samich on the spot. I stopped in last year when going by right at noon. Sign at the counter said 1 meat, 1 cheese, $2 or $2.50. Well I wanted more than 1 slice of bologna on my sandwich so I said 2 meat and cheese bologna. Grabbed some chips and a soda "pop for you northerners" and went to get my sandwich. When I said 2, he took it as 2 sandwiches. Yes they had 2 slices of bologna. Hadn't had a bologna sandwich in years. They were so good I ate both!

Barry Taylor

Well Known Member
Supporting Member 3
My Grandmother on my moms side owned a general store in Sulfer Bluff, Tx. on. Main st. In Hopkins county. population was under 300 and stayed that way most of its life! My memory of it starts around 1955-56. Ice house was across the street! Post office was next door! Lots of great memories!

Iowa 409 Guy

Well Seasoned Member
Supporting Member 15
It got cold enough to cut and store ice there in the winter evidently Barry??? Temps??

Dad bought an old house on the edge of our town of 150 I grew up in. It had a clay hollow block ice house on the property. I would imagine in the day it served the whole town. The ice probably came from the river 3 miles away and was put in the house in layers of sawdust and ice blocks. Most likely a community undertaking to fill it.