

Well Known Member
One other thing i noticed we all have in common be-sides a love affair with the 348/409 is a rather cluttered garage, My bench is cluttered, my floor is is dirty, all kinds "o" parts scattered everywhere, a rickied ole chair i use, leaky jack, a creeper that bearley creeps........

BUT in the middle of the floor is a 409 on a heavy duty engine stand with nothing but the best parts in it, shining, gleeming, flawless (and the wife wondering-why is he rubbing that motor more than me)

At least we have our priorities rite......



You have a chair? :D :p I can't afford luxury's like that.

That's true though, we must do without so the 409 can have. :D


Well Known Member
Supporting Member 1
Have you guys been peekin' in my shop again?:D


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Well Known Member
Supporting Member 3
Lookie thar,,,,,, gots him self one of tham double wides !!!


Well Known Member
Supporting Member 1
Sorry about the fuzzie picture, I screwed it up when I was shrinking it:rolleyes: But I guess it adds to the effect. This garage is in Big Falls where I grew up and Where our business is. I actually live 30 miles away and do most of my work at home in one of my garage stalls there. This garage is a bugger to heat in the winter so it has just been a catch all for the last 10 years. I am however working on the 55/348 project there and it looks a little better now. But who wants to waste time cleaning when I could be working on the car?:D The Orange 60 truck which donated it's heart to the project is now outside and in it's place lie two dirty old 409s! Who can spot the buried 56 hardtop in the last stall?:eek: This garage also has a homemade paint booth on which I took the picture and in it sits another 56 hardtop basket case. Soory dq; It's a few feet too narrow to get two cars end to end.:( Boy, I've got a lot of junk!:p NUT