Edelbrock AVS Carbs


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Well it`s on the third day running the new AVS carbs and I finally am enjoying driving my car after months of screwing with the old Edy AFB`s !!!
I can`t believe how much difference there is !! It`s night and day!
WANNA RACE ?? heee heee
So smooth through all rpm ranges and when you stab it ,,,SHE FLIES!!

I started to doubt the power of this engine and I`m sure Aubrey was wondering what the hey I was doing !!
I thought the car was cursed and would never run the way it should or the way Aubrey set it up !!
Pour OZ,,,,he must of thought that I was smoking some of that Canadian gold !! heeee heeee toke after toke ,,,,,

But really,,,SHE FLIES !!!
Even droping a cyclinder going to second and running bad she still ran as fast as before !!
Friday I`ll find out how much better !!
The launch is still too low but when I drop the headers to repair them I`ll boost the stall up 800 to a thousand over what it is now.
I think it will still be quite streetable even then.

I`ve decided to focus my racing energy and money to the Rambler for this winter and just finish cleaning up the `62 for a fast street car. Do the serious racing stuff on the Rambler,,,,dq

PS,,,Do you and your car a favor and shi* can those crappy AFB`s and get the AVS and SMILE !!!

Tom Kochtanek

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Supporting Member 13


Thanks for the update on the carb situation. For those of us who have yet to complete a "W" motor (engine?) we appreciate the advise. I was planning on going with aftermarket carbs anyway, since the originals are so pricey...

Quick question: I've been building a website of my trials and tribulations of getting this 40 by 60 building up and wanted to post a few pics, but failed in doing so. I recall DQ providing a sequence of events to post a pic within the note, but failed everytime I tired. Am I missing something? Please advise and I will pass along some neat photos of cars sitting on the somewhat level building lot :)

Thanks in advance,

Tom K


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just use the "browes" box at the bottom to attach a jpg file (picture). Make sure the photos in your computer are jpg format and sized at 620 x 620 or less.
All this can be done with any photo software.
Then click submit,,,,DO NOT PREVIEW or you will lose the photo !

If you can`t get it to work send them to me and I`d be glad to post them and then you can describe them later,,,,dq


Seems dq is the picture guy, as that is whom I'd hit up for pics posting here.

Told ya' so about the AFB vs. AVS. I had looked into manufacturing the AVS about 14 years ago, and in talks with Carter, whom still owns the patents, EgoBroke already had those options for the AVS, got them the same time they got the rights to the AFB. All those years making the wrong carb, thanks, DeadBroke.


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Why is it every time I think I'm done spending money; everyone here comes up with another way to do it...... :cuss

How was setting up the secondary "Tip-In"? Was it truly as easy as 'ol Vic says it is? Does it even perform better on the primary circuit?

And is anyone interested in buying nearly new Edelbrocks? :)



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I, for one would like to see what an AVS looks like. Not sure I ever heard of them before. Someone post a picture for me, please.




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O.K. dq, show me these AVS carbs. I'm ashamed to say I don't know what they are. :) I already have a couple Performers but you've got my attention. :) NUT


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Here ya' go guys....The AVS (Air Valve Secondary) carb was a great OEM on early-mid 70's Mopars. They do flow well and are relatively easy to adjust. Put one on a buddy's 327 (275 HP) once and it really woke the thing up! Good Day :)


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As far as idle and the primary side of the carbs I think they also work better.
Idle seems to hold better and less erratic then the AFB`s.

Boy can I relate on spending money to replace carbs that should be good for years to come,,,,BUT,,,I just could not deal with them any more !!
This was money well spent !! Just wish I had done it months ago!!

I figure I can sell the old carbs for around $100 on Ebay or more here local. I`ll just take them to the cruz-ins with me ...
And yes Andy,,,just a couple minutes and a test drive,,,,

They look just like an AFB on the out side and with an air cleaner only the black linkage and dual fuel inlets give them away,,,dq



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If anybody watched the latest BackfireTV (HorsepowerTV) this last weekend, Chuck put an air gap intake (yuck) and AVS on his big block El Caballo-rama-doodle-thingie. The dyno sequence shows the secs air break plate clearly opening when the thing was flogged into the secs.

Setting the AVS secs air break plate is dirt simple, and only takes a few seconds, unlike the month or so of tinkering and frustration with/from the ones in an AFB.

AVS's were also used on one horsepower small block back in the late sixties, and they worked as well. Sure makes a difference you can feel in tghe seat of the pants when the air is used to positively pull air/fual mixture through the boosters and jet paths from the top of them, unlike from under them.

dq, shussshhh, I'm gonna tell you a neat story, don't let this out. Carter made a special carb for Pontiac way back when, for their NASSLOW program, was an AVS, with the front two barrels as a stocker, like you have, and the sec as one oval wide barrel, a 3 bbl carb, 975 cfm's. How'd you like to have two of those babies on your W!

dq, your car still butt-up and nose down? That's backwards!


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"dq, your car still butt-up and nose down? That's backwards!"

ahhh schuckkks GOOBER !!! Me and Opie just kant get that dang thang write !!
ARH trak here is in da uphill way !!

But you think I could get it right !! Well maybe I did,,,,,,as in `60s-`70 style street racer look !!??

We have a saying here in OR-Y-GUN,,,,,,"To hell with how they do it in Californicate !!" LMSOAO !!!!!!!

Now really,,,,,,If I could lower it ,,,,don`t ya think I would ??
What might have to happen is rasing the front,,,,,
I am going to try a few things now that I don`t have any hair left cause I waited too long to get the AVS`s,,,and now can focus on other areas,,,,,
It will be close as in tire to wheel-well in the rear as the stickies are really close to flairing my fenders !!!

I`m so happy I could drive all day !!!!,,,dq :D :D :D :D


Not to razz you, but it'll traction better with a bit of built in upride and weight transfer. I can smell MID-12's!


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As in up in the front? Razzz? DO ME BABY !!! heeee heee

Really,,,Up till now it has been two steps forward one step back.
Now that she`s running like she should I now can focus on the issues that need to be looked at and done,,,Thanks for all the support and help !!
Razz away,,,,dq


You end up getting the body attitude right, and not only will it launch and run bettrer, but it'll look like the super stockers of the era, too!.

What they used to use for shocks were ones valved 90/10 on the front, 90 percent slack upwards movement, 10 percent downwards slack, as measured in tme to react vs. actual movement. Were called 90/10 Up-Rides.

Rears were 70/30 down hold valved, to hold the rear end down and not let it rise up a bunch from torque reaction.

I can just see that big tote board at the end of the lane right now, 12.xx E.T.


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Thanks Man !!!
Allen who races a 440 powered dodge truck said,,,,,,,MAN,,HOW Do YOU Get THAT FRONT END TO JUMP LIKE THAT IN ALL THREE GEARS??
Adjustable shocks !!! Already gott`em,,,,dq :D :D