Drive in movies - Life in America (video)


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We had a drive-in, right around the corner, from our house.:appl We didn't go, all the time, but they were lot's of fun, until the faze wore out. There was also a Bad side of Drive-in's.:doh My Dad got a job, along with my son's, cleaning up, the grounds, the morning after movie's were shown. What they had to clean up was used condoms, used Kotex, dirty shitty diaper's, Xcrement on the ground..:barf1 Also many beer and soda bottles, that my kids returned to the store's for the refund.:good Dad did it for one season, and him and my kids, gave the job, to our next door neighbor. After 4 or 5 years later, they tore it down, and put a Builders Square, hardware store there. Now there's a Kohl's, a grille, and a Chinese Restaurant. Time marches on.