Back to $4 gas!


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Supporting Member 3
Going up here in Michigan, thanks Joe. But wait lets indict Trump again to deflect on my bribery activities and put my political rival in prison. Where in history have we seen this before.......................................


Well Known Member
Supporting Member 2
The governments/left master plan in slow execution. Gas will continue to go up until we capitulate and go EV.


Well Known Member
Supporting Member 2
The strategic oil reserve use to be hands off. The US military is the single biggest oil consumer in the world. So all you have to do to beat the US is to cut off it's oil supply. The SOR was primarily for the military, then it began to used elsewhere. Not keeping it stocked should be a national crime if not treason. But.... the people will vote for these same people in the next election.


When you have a TRAITOR as potus, what else can we expect? biden and his party should be swinging from tree's on the south lawn!
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