66 Chevelle SS409-1 Mustang convertible-0


I don't normally street race but those Mustangs!:evil

The conditions were right so it was a go.

4 lane highway with no cars in front. Traveling about 45, Mustang pulls along side and does that famous Mustang owner rev. Thought I'd see if he was serious so I put the pedal down some (lightly) he got on it. Then I knew it was a go! Slammed the pedal to the floor kicking in the 4 bbls and we were fender to fender but he started to pull away a bit thanks to my 3.08 rear so I threw the ol' B&M back into 2nd and held it to the floor. H-A-N-G ON sweet momma! :eek: The 409 was a screamin'!

I went by him like he was using the brakes! When I hit 3rd, the car started to feel like it was getting air borne! Scary stuff! After I was a few car lengths ahead of him, I started to slow down. Took quite some time for him to catch up. Woudn't you know, he'd get along side and rev the engine again. Typical Mustang owner BS. I got on it a bit more to tease him and so did he. I left off and let him race by himself after that. LOL How many times do you have to beat these guys before they get the picture?

I can only imagine how he explained to his girlfriend sitting beside him how an old Chevelle just ate his lunch! Probably something like, "if I had floored it I would have beaten him!" :p

In case anyone was wondering...Mustangs do taste like Chicken! :D


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Supporting Member 3
They are like that arn`t they Bob? Like the drunk at the bar,,,,,you knock him down only to have him get back up so you can hit him again,,,,,,,
Are you running dual fours? I can`t remember?,,,,dq


Mine is the single 4 bbl. All stock hi-po 1963 400hp. Only exception is a .030 overbore and headers.


Active Member
66 Chevelle

I finally got to take my 66 out for a Run
there must be I want to Race you on the side of my car and i just don't see it ,and had a simular run in with a bright red trans am 2001 or close to it that always seems to go by my house revving his flowmaster exhaust
and would'nt you know it i seen him on saturday when i pulled the ol' Chevelle out of the garage and i had just moved into the neighborhood
he caught up to me at the light revving the engine now it's been a year since the Chevelle has been out so i was a little nervous my left foot started to shake a little on the clutch my heart started pounding
but She (The Chevelle) was ready to go the light was still red i was watching the other light on the opposite corner waiting for it to go red ,
the light turns yellow my armpits started to sweat now and rooooom he takes off before the light turns green on our side of the street so i slam the rightfoot to to floor lift the left i shift at around 5 gran the shift light stayed on through the first second and third gears and when i passed him he was looking at my taillights and was pounding on his his steering wheel .
and would'nt you know it he came back out in front of my house 1/2 hour later and decided to pull a hole shot revving his engine again and blew his drive shaft right there all you hear is rrrrrrrmmmm bang, thump, thump, bang, if that just didnt make my day complete
kind of makes all that time and money worth the effort


Active Member
As wrong as it may be
sometimes it is just hard to avoid
and the trans am - Fire Chicken tasted like steak with all the trimmings to me


Well Known Member
Supporting Member 3
Hey,,,Thats a great story !!!! With a great ending to boot !!! LOL !!
Seams these I know I can beat you type drivers/owners don`t have a clue !!
One of my faverite stories is about a Mustang and my car was home !!
We owned this coffee shop and a customer was leaving in his bright blue late model Muskrat Convert. I was sitting outside and motioned to him to lite them up. Minde you the streets had a light coating of morning rain. Sun out but streets still a little damp.
He dumps the clutch,,,,,hits the gas,,,,out of the driveway and turns left,,,hits second ,,,,,,,car takes a hard right and tee bones this parked Rabbit !!!!!!
His wife gets out and screams and yells at him and when I "walked" over blamed it on ME !! I just smiled and walked away,,, The Rabbit was a total BEFORE he hit it and ended up paying the owner much more then it was worth.
Suprizing but he still talks to me ,,,,,,,
"O" YEH !!!! ,,,,dq