63 Wagon 409


Well Known Member
I've learned tons from this site over the past year but just now taking the plunge and starting to contribute back. I'm mid way through my first build project, found a solid 63 Impala Wagon that was gifted with a 409 and 4 speed somewhere its history. Will be stripping it down and rebuilding as a nice weekend driver.


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  • 409.JPG
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Ronnie Russell

Well Known Member
Supporting Member 2
Congratulations, Tex. Wished I had found it first ! Wagons are hot right now, especially that one. I assume you are in Texas. What part?


Well Known Member
Ronnie - I'm in the concrete suburban jungle on north side of Dallas, had to get the map out to find Ladonia. Paint and body work was done out in the sticks near Dennison, I've made many trips your direction but didn't go very far east from 75.

63 dream'n

Well Seasoned Member
Supporting Member 4
Welcome.....from the pictures,looks as if you've got great beginnings there.......nice!

Ronnie Russell

Well Known Member
Supporting Member 2
Hey Tex,, I escaped north Dallas ( Farmers Branch) a little over 20 years ago. Feel free to drive on up and talk 409s anytime.

Bub6le 2op

Well Known Member
Supporting Member 6
Ya, is that the original. you lucky guy, Good luck with your project, welcome to the site, we're collecting members
so great to have ya


Well Known Member
Supporting Member 2
Welcome, a wagon has always been one of my favorites, yours will be rare for 2 reasons, a 4 speed and a 409.



Well Known Member
Cool, do you know if it's original engine?

Wasn't an original 409 car, vin is 3-18-45-L (nine passenger v-8 wagon from Los Angeles)

I have lots of history from the prior owner, I think the 409 was dropped in around 1997, it's a 64 QC block 38444222