55 Alive!


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Here's what The kid's and I did on Saturday. I found this 55 a few years ago and just got around to making the deal on it this week. I didn't remember the tree growing out of it! The old man didn't seem to mind losing his car or the tree so now it's on my trailer.:) The frame is rusted off from being in cow patties since 68 :rolleyes: but lots of good parts still. HE said at one time he had over 100 cars in this field but had them all crushed :eek: I hate that when people use naughty words like that!



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Such a shame. We lost many to neglect like this. It's the worst thing for a car. :cry At least some of it's parts can live on.

I envy you guys that find these cars. Around here, it's just minivans and SUVs to the hilt. All the old stuff is gone.


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Don't be so sure Bob. I bet there are still several of these old cars still quietly rusting away near you behind old barns or off in the woods just out of site of the roads. Just head out of town and find some dirt roads then stop at some old farm houses that look like the old farmers still own and I bet you'll find a few old forgoten and overlooked treasures waiting for a new home. :) I encourage you all to take a drive in the country and search out these treasures! It's fun. The stories you'll hear alone are worth the effort. Come on, Don't be bashful. NUT


Actually, back in the mid 80's, a friend and I would religiously hit junkyards and search back yards looking for old cars every Saturday/Sunday. He was into old Caddy's and I was into old Impala's. Used to be alot of fun but that was a long time ago.

The supply is dead here. All dried up and long gone. :(


The good finds are drying up. That's why I got the 59 Biscayne. It was here in MI as well, rusty but do-able. You just don't see these very much any more. By the way, there is a yard here in Battle Creek that has a 56 or 57 Pontiac and about 5 65 Chevys. Mostly parts cars and well hidden from the onlookers, but I made my there and found them. He's proud though. I remember seeing a nice 63 Catalina stacked on top of a car that he'd just got in! Too bad too, because she was definately restorable. Even had the original 8-lug rear-end and wheels. I asked him how much, "not for sale." Next month I went back the rear was gone and the 8-lugs were strewn all over the place in pieces. Real shame....anyhow enough babble....

Last year I found a 59 Impala convertible in town. Original 348 red/red. $2500!! I booked over there so fast....and WOW what a piece of (thit)! The wings were rusted so bad I could pick them up! I pieced that in my mind for about $1500 worth, but he wouldnt budge. Oh well...you still can find a few out there. KEEP LOOKING. although I never thought i'd get excited about finding a 65 Pontiac 4-door like I did a few months ago! Those 4-doors dont do anything for me....

eBay is the place to find them anymore. Although ebay is bringing the value doen on my 98, it is bringing the value up for junkers! Jim


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I have several friends with airplanes !!! Saves hours and hours of driving around.
You can use a GSP to map the location if you do find something,,,,,,,Although I`m not looking for anything it is fun to spy the back yards for dead treasures !!
And the summer clad girls lounging around the pools !!
BONUS TIME !!!,,,,,,dq :cheers


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Well Bob, You make a guy sure feel lucky to live up here in rustville. People don't even pay attention to my old classic collection sitting ungaurded for years. Maybe I should talk the wife into letting me get a few more junkers I don't need? I'll tell her how lucky we are to be able to buy them and that my good friend Bob is thinking of moving to MN just to buy up all the junk classics. :rolleyes: On second thought; maybe you should call her. She doesn't always believe me. O.K. Here's another farm I visited Saturday. And there's much, much more.


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Man !!! You guys sure do plant some interesting things on your farms !!!
I swear that turnup looks just like a `58 Chebby !!,,,,dq


Better enjoy them now, they won't always be there.

If you can get these cars cheap, I would buy them. While im against parting out a car that can be fixed, this rule wouldn't apply to a car that's been sitting on a farm for 30 years and is completely dead/unfixable. In that case, if they are just parts cars, you could make alot of money selling on the net. Just sell the parts to people like me that don't have these cars sitting everywhere.

BTW, I too live in the "rust belt" and im surprised that MN even has anything left that hasn't been eaten away from salt. Guess these cars really did stay on the farm. :p Salt is for french fries, not cars! :D


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If I didn't have this other business, that's exactlly what I would do. But as it is, I can't find enough time to put my 55 together let alone strip other cars and sell and ship parts!:( I'm afraid the cars will all be gone if I wait but I hate to keep piling up stuff that I don't need. What a mess if I died unexpectantly and the family had to deal with it all! The sad thing about these cars is that if they had been washed and put up on blocks when parked, they would still be in excellent shape. :cry Some got eaten up by salt when on the road, but most were still pretty sound when they sank into the sod. I'll keep you informed of any new purchases I make. Here's another:


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HE said at one time he had over 100 cars in this field but had them all crushed

There was a big ol' "junkyard" a guy had about 30 miles from here. Probably had 300 cars of all various models/years. For the longest time he wouldn't sell anything from the place until a couple of years ago when he sold the land to some developer who put in a "professional level" golf course of all things. I don't know how many weekends we spent down there getting things like steering boxes, pedal assemblies, axles, glass, and trim. Unfortunately there weren't any 348/409's left and none of the 55-62 wagons he had were worth saving.