2014 Great Bend Convention

Barry Taylor

Well Known Member
Supporting Member 3
Great Bend was a great get together and race! I got to visit the site of the 1959 AHRA Nationals where my Dad won S/S Top Eliminator in a black 57 Chevy with the 2-4 motor! The Pack Wrat made it’s debut with a lot of mixed emotions issues! Made a some new friends and got put in the trailer first round by Joel! Thank You Mr. Phil Reed for a great get togetherIMG_4154.jpegIMG_4155.jpeg


Well Known Member
Supporting Member 4
Well that means i know what i was doing 10 years and one day ago today. not often i can say that.
I remember walking into the marquee with Lynette and my folks and all we knew was to ask for Phil Reed.
As soon as i said his name his ears pricked up and i couldnt have net a nicer person. apart from Candy of course.:)
Met Ray (Fathead Racing) when he was washing his car, Lynette spotted the street lethal 60 across the way so we had to head there.
Bought a bunch of parts from Ronnie, Clyde, Steve G. Got to sit and chat with Hayden Proffit. ate curly fries with Butch and Ginny. I got to drive Lonnies Halls 62 on the return road. Lynette went for a ride in Last 60 with Lonnie. My Parents went for a ride in Dan's mint 61 belair.
Got to listen to gibberish from Bob Walla while drinking some sort of clear fluid from a jar around Rays race car trailer. Wasnt really gibberish as Bob couldnt talk.:D. Met mister Dave Coots there and his 64 impala. met Bill Nuttall and Miss Bella. so many memories. Can still remember in perkins resturant my Dad and Grub haveing a standard discussion about Aussie and Kiwi relations (taking the piss out of each other) and looking around at everyone listening thinking it was going to come to blows :roll:roll:roll.
I will treasure these memories, sadly many of those we met are not here with us anymore.

I made friends that day that i dont think i will ever see again but still count them as my friends

Thank you Phill for the oppertunity to change my life for the better



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Supporting Member 4
This was my first 348/409 event that made me realize there's a bunch of "funny valve cover knuckle heads" out there. Brought my 63 SS there, not running right. As luck would have it, I pitted next to the "Screamer". Allen figured out that I had both a resitor wire AND a ballast resitor! May he rest in peace on 1320' of rubber covered asphalt.. a true 409 drag racer.