15 stiches =$5400


Active Member
:bang:bang:bang out working on my 58 Imp.using a 4 inch grinder .disc broke and knocked the grinder out of my hands. got tangled in my pants just above my right knee. ripped my pants open to find a 4 inch x 1 inch deep cut . 1 hand putting pressure the other one dialing 911 . They sent parametics $1900 the ambulance showed up $600 to take me to the hosipal hospital charged $1600 er fee Dr Assentant was$1100 to sew me up . then 2 weeks later I had to see my famly Dr to get stiches out$ 200 . and to top it all off no insurance because I lost my job the month befor :bang:bang:bang:bang:bang:bang:bang


Well Known Member
Ouch! I would call the billing department and explain that you don't have any insurance and try to get the charges reduced. Then ask to be set up on a payment plan. It's usually no interest. You may want to check on continuing your health insurance, but I know that won't do you much good for this one now. My insurance got way too expensive and I recently switched policies. Hope you are OK now too.



Well Known Member
Supporting Member 8
Check with the hospital to see if they will accept the the repriced amount, that is the amount they will accept from the insurance companies, it could be as much as a 75% discount. My wife had to have a second hip replacement after only 2 1/2 years and the insurance company had excluded her hip on the policy. Cleveland Clinic told us that the operation was going to cost $95,000. They accepted less than half of that and the insurance repriced amount was approx. $20,000. We could not get the Clinic to accept the repriced amount, but, they did work with us.


Well Known Member
Supporting Member 6
go to the billing depts. tell them your situation and that you are broke. they will come
down on the costs. at least they do in central ohio. be very nice. a tear now and then would help. get the amount due down, then set up payments. i bet you can at least get
it to 1/3 the cost. they have so many people that don't try to pay, so they will be
happy to help. then the next time i am in the area with my insurance card, they will get
their difference. my sister inlaw's husband had a mi (heart attack). they flew him in a helicopter to the hospital. cracked him open and did their thing. he was there two weeks. way over 100k. she went in and did that and came out with a 15 to 20k bill. they never paid. good luck, glad your are ok. jim


Active Member
6 inches higher and I would be called stubby and squeeky voice . it healed will. it will leave a nasty scare


Yikes! :eek: Hope all is well now.

You sure are making me rethink using my grinder again. :eek:

The prices you listed are exactly what's wrong with health care. I mean come on, $600 for an ambulance ride? $1,900 for paramedics to come? etc, etc, etc... I think it cost me $750 to walk into the emergency room a few years back. What kind of nonsense is this?

Now lets see, I wonder why medicare and other programs are running out of money? :?I wonder why no one can afford insurance? :?

Crooks wearing white coats! :takethat

And of course, it trickles down to other areas such as optometry. A good example is my new glasses that cost $770.00!!!!!! :eek:

Buying parts for my 454's doesn't seem so bad now that I think of it.

mark johnson

Well Known Member
Supporting Member 2
I work as a certified Machinist/Fabricator and I haven't used a small grinding wheel like those in a very long time. Not only are they dangerous but they like to leave deep scratches and gouges in the material. I've become very fond of flapper wheels that thread directly onto the arbor. You can even get some pretty aggressive grits too that can really remove a lot of material fast!