Liquid glass


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I used to use a product called “Speedy Wax Coat” but I don't think it’s made anymore it was great for the Show circuit because you could put it on anywhere even in the Sun while doing final prep for the show and it gave the car a mirror like shine. I’ve tried some of the ones you see at shows and they took the shine right off the car
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What a beautiful collection of cars and garage!
Totally agree. Great collection of cars, but how do you keep that floor so clean?? Seems that everything I've owned at one time or another, had leaks. Marked its spot on the floor. Tried to fix the leaks, but gave up. Now it's less stressful to just use a rag and clean it up. My concrete floor looked so nice when initially poured. I regret not treating the concrete or putting down some type of flooring before the first car went on it.
I do remember Liquid Glass. Never used it. Turtle Wax was very popular during my early years. A pita to remove in comparison to waxes today, Carmine.


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Supporting Member 6
Yup, I remember it. I think I have a partial can still in the shop, but it is probably no good anymore.