Is it me or is time FLYING???


I can't believe it but school goes back in my nearby town TODAY. !?!@? :hide What happened to summer? (actually summer goes on yet but still)

Is it just me that feels like months go by like weeks and weeks go by like days anymore?? I feel like I'm living on borrowed time and it's running short!
Back in my drinking days time seemed to run normal. While it was a complete waste of time looking back, a day felt like a DAY. The days felt full (as did the hangovers) :sick3:overheat That was 27 years ago for me but it seems like since I quit drinking, time has been steadily speeding up.

Ok, rant over. Thanks for reading this drivel. :p
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Older we get time definitely goes faster as it seems like yesterday my kids where little but today my youngest daughter turns 24 and next month my son turns 33 and I have 2 granddaughters ages 8 and 9 and the 9 year old already asks which one of my impala's she gets when she turns 16 ugh


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Didn't seem like that long ago we moved into the neighborhood. We were one of the young couples. About a year ago, I turned to the wife and asked, when did we become the old people on the block :scratch That and a few other reasons is why I retired in June. I don't really understand it as some things I read says it should slow down, but every day and year that passes, it goes faster and faster, unless your waiting for the doctor, in traffic, or for Amazon to deliver a package when they promised it week ago :dunno


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Supporting Member 11
I went to a Street Rod meeting the other night, I was standing there on my own (got there early) when a bunch (15-20) of guys came around the corner, I made a comment "did they all come on the Sunny Dale Nursing Home bus that just went past", they looked at me with some concern.


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Supporting Member 2
I hear you all, Turned 60 last December, trouble with one of my knee's. the week for me goes real slow and then you blink and the weekend has gone before you even realize that it had started.
Never the less, life is still good and I have a cool project I'm working on and awesome grandkids & a great family.



Well Known Member
My daughters are 35 and 31 now 3 grandkids. The days fly by and seasons as well. I always wonder it Ill have the time and energy to complete my projects, I just keep plugging along. I have a healthy family and wife I am retired now thank God for life every day. Summer, please stay for awhile longer.