How to brighten an aluminum intake


What is the best way to clean or glass bead the original dual quad intake G.M # 3814881. It is off the engine and its dingy looking the heat shield underneath the intake has rust on it. I don't won't to damage the original look. There has to be a way to dip it or make the aluminum new looking!


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Supporting Member 5
Glass bead blast it twice. The first time use medium beads at 80 psi which will take off all of the discoloration, any paint, and everything else. Second time use the finest beads you can find, I call them sugar beads, at 40psi. Use clean unused beads. This second blasting will knock down any roughness the medium beads left which will leave the aluminum surface looking like it hadn't been bead blasted. Do NOT use sand or any other medium. Use this same process when cleaning up carburetor bodies and airhorns.


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Supporting Member 2
A small cold chisel started under the head of the splash shield rivets will usually get them dislodged and finish removing with pliers or side cutters.
SC offers a new splash shield part # 6812, with the rivets for $44. I always used a small ball peen hammer, rounded end right next to the rivet hole in the manifold and hit the small hammer with a larger one to "close" the rivet hole up some, then a rivet would go back in tight. The splash shield "NEEDS REMOVED" to clean any debris/media. from underneath.


Glass bead blast it twice. The first time use medium beads at 80 psi which will take off all of the discoloration, any paint, and everything else. Second time use the finest beads you can find, I call them sugar beads, at 40psi. Use clean unused beads. This second blasting will knock down any roughness the medium beads left which will leave the aluminum surface looking like it hadn't been bead blasted. Do NOT use sand or any other medium. Use this same process when cleaning up carburetor bodies and airhorns.
Thank you, Sounds like you have done this a time or two! I believe I'll try this!


You are going to have to remove the oil splash shield because as you blast the intake you will get glass beads under the shield. The area under the sheild is probably already gunked up.
Thanks! That was going to be my next question. This don't sound to hard and makes it easier!


A small cold chisel started under the head of the splash shield rivets will usually get them dislodged and finish removing with pliers or side cutters.
SC offers a new splash shield part # 6812, with the rivets for $44. I always used a small ball peen hammer, rounded end right next to the rivet hole in the manifold and hit the small hammer with a larger one to "close" the rivet hole up some, then a rivet would go back in tight. The splash shield "NEEDS REMOVED" to clean any debris/media. from underneath.
Thanks for your help, I'll definitely do this. I don't know who SC is, could you tell me more. It's great to have all this help available!


You sre going to have to remove the oil splash shield because as you blast the intake you will get glass beads under the shield. The area under the sheild is probably already gunked up.
Thanks! That was going to be my next question. This don't sound to hard and makes it easier!