3D printers, anyone got one?

La Hot Rods

Well Seasoned Member
Supporting Member 16
Funny I asked him how it would hold up to heat and he said guess we will find out. I told him to take my heat gun to it. He was not happy with the result. He is now looking for someone that can print it with a different plastic and use his pattern.


Having some more fun 3d printing.

1) Four pillars that I am going to use as a glass shelf support. (couldn't decide which I wanted so I made 4 different ones!)
2) Tools for inserting wires into split loom (finger saver!!)
3) 55 Gallon drum pen holder
4) Desktop Dumpster. (great for those tiny scraps!) LOL
5) OK hand sign.



Since it's been hotter than hell outside, I stopped body work on my stepside and have returned to my 3d printer. :D

I found the files for the cupcake and melted popsicle and just HAD to make them! I don't normally paint my prints but these were very easy to do so I attempted it. (shown as printed in white and after painting) I must admit, that cupcake is making me hungry! :birthday



So while I was waiting out about a weeks worth of rain and high humidity, I was playing with the 3d printer again. I found an awesome donut and just had to print one out!

I forgot the "before" picture but here it is after I painted it. That icing looks SO REAL!!!! It makes me hungry every time I look at it.

This time I used some red Bondo scratch filler followed by a wet sand. (just on the icing part so it would be extra smooth) Then sprayed the icing with Krylon for plastic gloss white. The lower part was just brush painted with acrylic paint. Napkin added for realism. :teehee
