Original Parts Group


Well Known Member
Was ordering inner wheel wells from OPG at $261 pair. Shipping put it over $600. Looked at Speedway Motors and the EXACT SAME PARTS FROM OPG FROM SPEEDWAY WERE $51 with no shipping cost. I live near Lincoln so I'll go pick them up.
The quarter for the car from OPG was $300, shipping was $400 and took 14 months.


Well Known Member
Supporting Member 4
Long time no hear Steve. How is everyone?
Hi Dave,
I missed this, no notice showed up in my emails.
Anyway, we are all good here, dad turned 79 yesterday so Lynette and I went out for dinner with him and mum and brother Dave and his wife Bronwyn and our daughter Caitlin.
Was a good night.
Havent been doing a lot on the 61, still in the shed under construction.
Cash would help. lol.

How are things over there? looks like another messy election coming up for you guys.

Although it is just politics would be great to get a person to stand up that had everyones support.
Hard to find i know
We have similar issues here

How is Mary? Russ etc?

Still enjoying retirement?


Iowa 409 Guy

Well Seasoned Member
Supporting Member 15
Glad to hear you all are doing fine. Evidently the move to down south is working out for you. Haven't heard much about that?? Hard to believe it's been 7 years since visiting you when at the World Shooting match. Mary's doing fine. Birds, cats and bonsai keep her busy. Her wonderful husband just last weekend went to Minnesota with her for her bonsai classes. What a guy.... I've been shooting, racing, golfing and being nice to her. I just follow orders. Russ has been having problems. Just stopped and saw him yesterday. Remember when he couldn't walk very far when we were over there? Well, he'd been that way for a while before that. Finally, several months ago his left foot turned black from lack of circulation, and they cut his left leg off below the knee. Then a few weeks later they cut it off again above the knee. It was healing well, and they were fitting him for an artificial leg. They finally noticed the other foot was not doing well and ballooned that leg out and did a couple operations. He was in the hospital for a couple of weeks and just got out Thursday. Hopefully it will heal. He is going in for treatment in a hyperbaric chamber 2 hours a day for 5 weeks to help with the healing. His ignoring the problem is why he is in the shape he's in. Ignoring a health problem and rubbing a little dirt on it won't solve the problem. With that said, the medical field has been pathetic.....

Retirement is awesome...going golfing today....

Take care over there and come visit sometime.

