Crickets From The Left


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Good write-up.

Howie Carr Column in Boston Herald,
Sunday, September 2, 2017
Wake up America!!

"How many flood victims in South Texas have been rescued by the antifa navy?
Just asking, because on TV this week I've been watching the "Cajun Navy" pull one Dunkirk after another all around the Gulf Coast.
And those good old boys look like they just came off the set of "Duck Dynasty." They could be wearing MAGA hats. Hell, I'll bet one or two of them may have even been falsely accused of committing a fake hate crime or two since the election by some unhinged Social Justice Warrior.
They are, to coin a phrase, deplorables.
Hell, a Chick-fil-A franchise in Houston sent out a power boat to rescue a couple of elderly customers, which is exactly one more rescue boat than George Soros, Tom Steyer, Evergreen State, Black Lives Matter and have dispatched .... combined.
And the old folks didn't even ask if Chick-fil-A's CEO is still opposed to gay marriage.
Is Michael Moore hosting an All-U-Can-Eat buffet for first responders in Harris County? If he were, surely MSNBC would be covering it, live.
Where are Elizabeth Warren, Whoopi Goldberg, Steven Colbert, etc. etc.?
Seriously, doesn't it look like almost all of the heavy lifting in the wake of Harvey is being done by people who belong to what the Southern Poverty Law Center would describe as "hate groups?"
Speaking of which, when does the SPLC's food drive begin?
Are the non-workers of the Socialist Workers Party and the Spartacist League loading any southbound 18-wheelers with relief supplies this weekend?
Maybe everyone in "the Resistance" is worn out from wearing pink hats and black masks and tipping over statues and sucker punching passersby with bicycle locks in Berkeley and grabbing an old lady's flag on the Boston Common and burning it – all those wonderful manifestations of how Love Trumps Hate, as they say.
Of course, it's the last weekend of summer, so you can't expect the likes of Jeffrey Epstein to be scrambling his private 747 out of the Hamptons to airlift foodstuffs to Galveston and Beaumont. You can't be asking Brooklyn hipsters or Occupy Wall Street to occupy a relief shelter when the Beautiful People are jetting into Nantucket for brunch at the Chanticleer Inn.
Besides, as assorted adjunct professors at third-rate colleges have been tweeting out all week, those are Trump voters stranded down there in the Lone Star State – bitter clingers and irredeemables.
Do we even know if the Salvation Army has transgender bathrooms at its shelter in Port Arthur?
It's Labor Day and Jerry Lewis is gone, but maybe Colin Kaepernick could stage a Harvey telethon outside NFL headquarters on Park Avenue. Why should J.J. Watt and his white privilege have all the fun raising charitable donations?
Then there's John Kerry – he did sell his second wife's first husband's trust fund's yacht when he moved from Nantucket to the Vineyard, but he could still enlist in the Cajun Navy. America's Gigolo has other plans this weekend, though. According to The Hill, Liveshot is busy – "Kerry races to save American cycling team."
Well, first things first.
"Kerry, an avid cyclist, has been working the phones to find new supporters for the team, Cannondale-Drapac, after one of its lead sponsors pulled its funding unexpectedly last week." Now there is a real tragedy!
How about the Clinton Foundation? They have more money than God, but if you go to their website, all it has is a list of links to other organizations. For flood relief, I guess it takes a village, but not the Clinton Foundation.
Hillary is about to begin her new book tour. It only costs $2400 per person to attend the Toronto fete. How about a charity book signing in Lafayette LA? Call it, "Harvey – What Happened?"
Al Gore's new "documentary" is tanking. Maybe he should offer free showings to the volunteer Tea Party types trying to lend a hand.
Joel Osteen took a lot of grief this week, but his church is open. Has anyone seen La Raza? Which of his three mansions is Bernie Sanders opening for flood victims?
Victims of Hurricane Harvey, when the phone don't ring, you'll know it's #resist."


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Crickets only because you may limit your reading to specific news outlets which aren't going to highlight activities of progressives, democrats, and liberals. There are a number of stories, including cleanup events organized by the Texas Democratic Party. Here are some articles specific to Antifa.

Actually, the Clinton Foundation hasn't been that quiet either.

Iowa 409 Guy

Well Seasoned Member
Supporting Member 15

How about you put on a demonstration such as your 1st Amendment rights allow you. Put on a "Make America Great" cap and carry a sign saying "drain the swamp." Now when your friends, the masked antifa thugs you are so proud of, come and beat the crap out of you with baseball bats and other weapons, just reason with them and tell them this is just a test, and that you are actually on their side. These thugs are infringing on American citizen's Constitutional rights and it seems as though in today's world, the LAW looks the other way..............WTF happened with that?????????........Maybe one of these days these thugs will bring their old fashioned weapons to a lawful demonstration of people exercising their 1st Amendment rights and realize that their old fashioned weapons don't cut it in a gunfight................. :gunsBTW, I can find articles in the media to quote on both sides of any argument.
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Dick MacKenzie

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Supporting Member 9
Crickets only because you may limit your reading to specific news outlets which aren't going to highlight activities of progressives, democrats, and liberals. There are a number of stories, including cleanup events organized by the Texas Democratic Party. Here are some articles specific to Antifa.

Originally posted by
Truthout is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, progressive news organization in the United States that operates a web site and distributes a daily newsletter. Registered in September 2001, in Sacramento, California, Truthout publishes original political news articles, opinion pieces, video reports and artwork. According to its web site, Truthout works to broaden and diversify the political discussion by introducing independent voices and focusing on undercovered issues and unconventional thinking.

Truthout has featured content from writers Paul Krugman, Dahr Jamail, Henry Giroux, Jason Leopold, Bill Moyers, Andy Worthington, Kathy Kelly, Norman Solomon, William Rivers Pitt, Kelpie Wilson, Ken Morris, Kelly Hayes, Joseph Natoli, Dean Baker, Richard D. Wolff and Noam Chomsky. The organization has reported extensively on the torture policies of the Bush administration, the health care debate, veterans' issues, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the labor movement, prison reform and election politics.

The Independent is a British online newspaper.[2] Established in 1986 as an independent national morning newspaper published in London, it was controlled by Tony O'Reilly's Independent News & Media from 1997 until it was sold to Russian oligarch Alexander Lebedev in 2010.[3] The last printed edition of The Independent was published Saturday 20 March 2016, leaving only its digital editions.[2]

This article describes the requests by "One America" for disaster aid contributions. "One America" was launch by Carter, H.W. Bush, Clinton W. Bush & Obama. The article goes on to sate All donations to the One America Appeal will be directed to the George H. W. Bush Presidential Library Foundation, which will quickly distribute 100 percent of every dollar to recovery funds that are assisting hurricane victims." Obviously, the fact that millions was collected by the Clinton Foundation for Haiti relief and never found it's way to Haitians did not go unnoticed by the Carter, the Bush's and Obama.

Suggest you do a little research before posting crap like this!


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Supporting Member 2
To my fellow Iowan (My farm is in Iowa, but my lake home and where I keep my 409 car is in Wisconsin.),

On multiple occasions, you have wrongly assumed my political leanings, as you are with your most recent message. So I would like you to understand a few things.

1) In general, I am going to call bull when I see it, or post alternative viewpoints. The original message did three things. First, it tried to politicize volunteer work which I think is a mistake. Every time I volunteer I am doing it with people of many different political leanings. My work with Habitat for Humanity and other similar organizations is usually coordinated with other fellow church members, and I know their political leanings and rarely does politics come up during these events. I have some friends that responded to the Harvey and the Cajun Navy, and I know some aren't Trump supporters. Second, the whole message is that when you volunteer or contribute, you need to publicize it. That's bull! Not everyone stands up and waves their arms to say "Look at me!" I am doing volunteer work or contributing my hard earned $. Third, and most importantly, it only took a few clicks to find people on the left contributing (Whether you like the source of not Mr. MacKenzie!). I believe if you are going to post something you had better check to see if it is accurate. I believe the original message is inaccurate, does a disservice, and there are thousands of people of every political, cultural and racial background volunteering for Harvey and Irma victims.

2) I don't agree with the Antifa. I believe they are anarchists, and not contributing to solving any problems and are just pushing an alternative extremism to the people they are violently demonstrating. So, I don't have any Antifa friends, don't believe in the cause, and don't do anything to support their cause.

3) I agree with "Drain the Swamp!" I just don't think Trump is going to do anything to drain the swamp (I didn't think Hilary would either, nor did I vote for her!). I believe the opposite, and to me, Trump has already proven he's willing to fill the swamp with people who are going to push for reforms which just so happen to make a profit for them at the expense of the very people that voted for Trump.

4) I also take great pride in the U.S. and the office of the presidency. I took exception to how the press and opposite party attacked Carter, Reagan, Bush Sr., Clinton, Bush Jr., Obama and now Trump (Not Nixon though!). Any of those presidents could do something amazing, and the opposing press and party will turn it into the some incredibly negative. The most recent with Trump's description of Charlottesville. Damn straight there were a lot of people doing incredibly terrible things! There were also a lot of people exercising their first amendment rights and demonstrating peacefully, including the people that were run over by an idiot with a car.

5) The First Amendment guarantees that Congress shall make no law prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble. We, you and I, live side by side with many people of varying views with the expectation of tolerance and a truce that allows us each to live our lives without fear of the other. As long as one group doesn't systematically start exhibiting behavior which indicates some other group is at risk, then all is well and good. The truce is broken when you have a collection of people promoting the extermination, or limiting the rights of another. The group's First Amendment right guarantees the government won't interfere, but if other groups, using peaceful demonstration, attempt to silent the group promoting extermination, they aren't interfering with anyone's First Amendment right, they are exercising their rights. In the end, all you have is a shouting match. Where does that get us?

So, attack me all you want, the First Amendment says you can do so. I'm about as down the middle as you can imagine, a pragmatist, a U.S. citizen that lives in a great country with great opportunity and has propered, and someone that wants everyone to work together to "Make America Great." I just think extreme partisan rhetoric and the attack on people that are willing to express differing views or point out information that is factually incorrect is going to get us nowhere. One thing for sure though, I will continue to post alternative views to posts which take an extremist position.
