3D printed engine/car parts


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I didn't read the article, however I have read lots about 3D printing, including Bio printing. That is printing body parts, and it's happening now. This is a field that is wide open for all kinds of things. And as these printers get larger and less expensive and are now using more and different media to print ( metals, plastics, etc., ) there is more and more things capable. They cannot ( at least for now ) print complete functioning human organs. However that's another forum and story. They can print functioning guns etc. So absolutely they can print a manifold. The question is will they? Is there a market for it? What about copyright infringements? I will try and check out the article.


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That is a good question. In Bio medicine it's different because of cellular regeneration. Currently they build a scaffolding out of collagen ( sp ) and the cells start growing around things like ears, noses, bones etc., In the case of plastics, it's fused together between each layer, ( although very very thin ) As with the functioning guns, they don't last as of yet. They will blow up very quickly, at least as of the last article I have read. The newer 3D printers doing it in metals I have not read that much on yet, however what I have read indicates that they are in fact very good. Keep in mind that today with all the composite manifolds and valve covers in use by OEM's, it probably will not be long before someone makes a 409 set of valve covers and manifold. It is already available right now in the composites field. The only reason for now is that no - one from are area of interest either has an interest, or money, or has not seen a market for it that they can make some money. Some time in the future, ( 10/25/50 years ) from now, some gear head with passion for older cars will sit in his/her garage and print their own valve covers, heads etc., The rest will keep paying big bucks to the people that bothered to learn about things other than their personal trade or vocation.


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I've seen a couple of stories where they've used 3D printed parts for rocket engine. Nothing which has gone in to space but it was made specifically so it could be tested for strength.


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I too have seen the testing for space, however like you I have not seen any direct applications. This 3d printing, both commercial and Bio, is in it's infancy, but man it is going to blow wide open and there are going to be some rich people out there when it does. There are so many people already using it in so many fields. I just got interested in the Bio printing field the most. Now if I can only find a 3D printer that can make $480 speeding tickets go away>>>>> :( I think the car needs a time out.....


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My wife and father in law had an "I Love You Rose" designed for their business and they are 3D printed. Pretty cool looking and can be personalized which makes it special, but @ $60 each, they are kinda steep.


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I too have seen the testing for space, however like you I have not seen any direct applications. This 3d printing, both commercial and Bio, is in it's infancy, but man it is going to blow wide open and there are going to be some rich people out there when it does. There are so many people already using it in so many fields. I just got interested in the Bio printing field the most. Now if I can only find a 3D printer that can make $480 speeding tickets go away>>>>> :( I think the car needs a time out.....

You could always 3D print a really cool looking block to go under your gas pedal:laugh:hide



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I appreciate the block idea, however I spoke with the car and it says although it cannot promise not to do it again, it said it will use Highway 5 because the limit is 70 instead of 65 to help out.


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Thank you Steve. I noticed you have some very nice cars in your lineup also. I particularly like the 60, 61, 34, and 37. Basically almost all of them.


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I appreciate the block idea, however I spoke with the car and it says although it cannot promise not to do it again, it said it will use Highway 5 because the limit is 70 instead of 65 to help out.
I also like roads with higher speed limits, the tickets seem to be cheaper for going the same speed.


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Our limit over here on a state highway is 100KMH or 62MPH max
Speed and get caught they give you a fine but you also get demerit points against your licience (we dont have to go to court the fines are instant got 28 days to pay)
you start off with 100 points on licence and the minimum demerits is 25 so 4 tickets in a 2 year period and you lose your licience for 3 months
Faster you go the bigger demerits until you hit 150KMH then it is instant loss of licience for 6 months for dangerous driving and around $1200.00



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That is just not right, them demerits. We have a point system similar here. It's 1 point for this offense. I will go to school to keep it off my record, so when I get caught again, ( and I will ) it will only be 1 point on my license. What is 150KMH ? 90mph? I seem to forget my conversion, been awhile since I have been to Europe. My Honda speedometer reads 160mph and I think its 240KMH. I would seriously lose my license in you home town. My speed was 92 in a 65. If he had been a few minutes earlier it would have been about 115. That is a $2079 dollar ticket. So I feel lucky with the $480.


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That is just not right, them demerits. We have a point system similar here. It's 1 point for this offense. I will go to school to keep it off my record, so when I get caught again, ( and I will ) it will only be 1 point on my license. What is 150KMH ? 90mph? I seem to forget my conversion, been awhile since I have been to Europe. My Honda speedometer reads 160mph and I think its 240KMH. I would seriously lose my license in you home town. My speed was 92 in a 65. If he had been a few minutes earlier it would have been about 115. That is a $2079 dollar ticket. So I feel lucky with the $480.

Whoa!!!! now that is a fine. yep about 94mph the fines dont get that high here about $900 for 149Kmh over that you are off to see the judge with your licience



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I had done a great deal of rapid prototyping in my business life. It is true that it is exploding in its use and complexity. The space parts you refer to were parts for the shuttle program that were 1 off parts that would be "hugely expensive machined" . some were in plastic resin Nylons,etc and some were powdered metal. There are 3 primary systems SLA which is a bath of polyester resin that is surface hardened in ,005" layers with a laser to build up parts. The second system is SLS or selective Laser Sintering which uses powdered metal or powdered plastic which is hardened in .005" thick layers by a laser to form parts. The third is a system that is an additive system that heats and extrudes rein onto a part very similar to squeezing toothpaste from a tube. These parts are physically strong but have a rough surface. Now the SLA parts are brittle and basically used for dimensional and visual checking of CAD design info. The SLS parts are more consistent with the physicals of molded resin and can be used for testing and fitment. The SLS metal parts are bonded weakly out of the laser, but if you post process bake the parts they can become just as strong and dimensionally stabile powdered metal parts. I have read where the latest version of these machines are being used to produce small difficult parts for jet engines.
lately, you can buy a table top unit as a kit to produce your own parts for under 10k but I think they are still in the toy stage but that 3d printing capability. is coming soon. There are companies out there starting to produce fender emblems and such as 1 offs con2tour design is one that can do things for you at a reasonable cost that you could not easily or cost effectively machine.
Big Jim


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Jim, great info. Also, can we count on you to produce the first 3D 409 parts? Have you read any on Bio printing? I really like the idea of printing things at home. I do believe as you said that for the machines that I could afford they are definitely in the toy stage and would not be a good return on my money. Actually I would probably just play with it anyway.


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I need to get my 409 settled out first. I don't think 3dprinting is in my immediate future. I have been looking at plasma and 3d router tables some will do both for more functionality in my car fabrication and woodworking.
the ability to do 3d contouring in aluminum and wood seems to be more useful than the other at this moment.
I do have Pro Engineer CAD software in my computer here and can do design work on occasion.

Phil Reed

Well Seasoned Member
Supporting Member 10
Jim.................just noticed the background in your avatar. Guess I need glasses!!! Anyway.....what is the name of the glacier in the background????


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Jim, no excuses. However, now that you mention CAD? I was given AutoCad 2013 by my employer and told to start making maps. I can do the basics, however I am self taught, so I just pull base maps and modify them. I did do some online tutorials and think for what I am doing it's ok. Maybe I can ask a question or two sometime if needed.
