Recent content by 19fifty7

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    348 409 on Facebook a facebook fan page for these classic engines!
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    348 for sale?

    Hey Ron, I think it could be a 3770083 its not a clearly formed 3 but its not a full 8, lol, so its likely a 3, are these the numbers needed? thanks
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    348 for sale?

    Yes the first one is off the intake, it looked like an 8 I'll have to double check and the 9D4859 is off the passenger head stamp, at least best I can read ,
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    348 for sale?

    8770088 GM 20D 9d4859 those were the numbers I was able to see? am I missing some?
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    348 for sale?

    The 348 is in a 57 chevy right now, I'll take a look for those numbers and get them up on here soon
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    348 for sale?

    I have a good running 348, How do I get an idea what a fair asking price is for this rare engine?