348/409 Cylinder Head Casting numbers

Results: Found 2 matches out of 21 records

Head# 3814690
Year used: 1963
Model: Passenger car
Engine: 409
Horsepower: 400,425
Intake Valve Size: 2.19
Exhaust Valve Size: 1.72
Notes: Introduced for 1962 and in production until November 12th, 1963. This head was used on all high performance 409 engines until the introduction of #3852583 head on November 18th, 1963 for the new '64 model year..

Head# 3814690
Year used: 1962
Model: Passenger car
Engine: 409
Horsepower: 380,409
Intake Valve Size: 2.19
Exhaust Valve Size: 1.72
Notes: Introduced for 1962 and in production until November 12th, 1963. This head was used on all high performance 409 engines until the introduction of #3852583 head on November 18th, 1963 for the new '64 model year..

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